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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Cookman, A. O., Jr., degree, 237 Cooley, Mrs. Bertha H-, appointment, 349 declination, 415 Cooley, J. A., degree, 232 Cooley, Ruth C, degree, 246 Coolidge, L. J., appointment, 155 resignation, 201 Coolley, I. N-, Jr., degree, 241 Coolman, L., degree, 249 Coombs, A. J., appointment, 373» 758 Coombs, R., appointment, 199, 377, 762 Coon, Lucy G., appointment, 464, 728 Coonradt, H. L., degree, 237 Coons, H. L., degree, 414 Coons, L. K.( degree, 55 Coons, Mary E., loan settlement, 481 Cooper, A. E., degree, 383 Cooper, A. R., appointment, 84, 334, 732 Cooper, C. K., degree, 240 Cooper, H., degree, 34 Cooper, H. D., degree, 243 Cooper, Helen Margaret, appointment, 549, 746, 772 Cooper, Helen Miriam, degree, 893 Cooper, K. P., degree, 37 Cooper, Nina M., degree, 251 Cooper, Ruth H., degree, 237 Cooperative funds, special, Engineering, 699 Cooperative investigations. See Agreements. Cooperative Mines Investigation, budget, expense, 300, 693 salary, 306, 699 Coopersmith, B. I., degree, 909 Cope, A. C, appointment, 105, 106 Copenhaver, J. W., degree, 133 Copley, M. J., appointment, 106, 285, 559, 677 Copper, purchase, 10 Coppersmith, M. D., degree, 249 Corbett, L, appointment, 62 Corbett, W. J., appointment, 385, 549 Corbin, E. B., appointment, 303, 696 Corboy, M. J., Company, bids, 476 Cord, Flossie M., degree, 237 Cordis, W. R., degree, 412 Corgiat, P. P., degree, 241 Coriell, G. F., degree, 35 Corkery, T. J., bid, 86, 626, 785 Corlew, M. B., degree, 244 Corley, G. C, degree, 902 Corn, acreage reduction, contract, 30 investigation, 184, 368 budget, 702 purchase, 28, 51, 97, 152, 171, 176, 457 Cornbleet, T., appointment, 335, 732 Cornelius, Mildred C, degree, 246 Cornick, Claire I., degree, 137 Corning Glass Works, glassware purchased, 27 Corn Products Refining Company, agreement, 225, 368, 533 Cornyn, H. E., certificate, 789 Corray Brothers, bid, 408 Correspondence courses, regulations, amendment, 139 scholarships not accepted, 79 Corrigan, Marion C, appointment, 199, 375, 760 Corrington, J. A., degree, 544 Corsa, W. S,, member of advisory committee, 945 r* 5 Corya, Mary J., degree, 237 Corzine, C. E., degree, 241 Coseglia, R. P., degree, 383 Cosncr, R. B., degree, 37 Cost, N., degree, 137 Costigan, C. S-, degree, 34 Costley, R. J., appointment, 419, 686 declination, 913 degree, 893 Cotrell and Leonard, Inc., contract, 151, 171 Cottage, horticulture, insurance, 521 ° Cotter, J. W., degree, 241 Cottingham, Alta, degree, 246 Cottingham, Erma, appointment, 324, 399, 719 Cotton, P. E., degree, 906 Couchman, G. H., degree, 237 Couleur, J., appointment, 571 Council, University, statutes, 575, 576 Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, American Medical Association, gift, 82 Counsel, University, appropriation, 531 approval required on contracts, 596 budget, expense, 275, 667 salary, 276, 668 civil service discharges, proceedings, 473 claim of Papagiane, L., 380, 460 committee, building needs and work relief program, 117 duties, 593 Green Street, survey, 81 title, 113 medical park, authority, 478 opinion, investment of trust funds, 118 purchase of coal, request, 452 report, accident compensation, 70, 474 Medical Building, 604 purchase of fuel, stationery, and printing paper, 71 retiring allowances, review, 451 Senate member, 576 County scholarships, proposed legislation, 170, 176, 188 Courier, Elma I., appointment, 465, 562, 723 Court of Claims, relations with University, 473 Courtright, Mary J., degree, 893 Covalt, R. C, degree, 255 Coven, J. H., degree, 911 Coveney, L. I., certificate, 153 Cover, Mary E., degree, 237 Cover, V. D., appointment, 13 degree, 543 Covey, Neva M., appointment, 300, 419. 692 Covode, \V. M., appointment, 372 declination, 463 Cowan, J. C., appointment, 123, 286, 465, 677 Cowles, Josephine M., degree, 908 Cox, C. L., appointment, 40, 345. 743 Cox, C. T., degree, 906 Cox, G. D., degree, 412 Cox, M. G., degree, 413, 889 Cox, Mildred L., degree, 53 Cox, R. E., degree, 897 Cox, Rosemary E., degree, 248 Coyne, A. D., degree, 98 Cozzens, A. B., appointment, 289, 681 Crabbs, Carol G., appointment, 286, 678 Craft, Wilma, appointment, 419 Crafton, P. M., degree, 413 Craig, Frances V., appointment, 335, 733 Craig, H. W., appointment, 330, 727 Craig, L. J., degree, 413 Craig, Maurice, contract for instruction of, 52 Crain, C- W., degree, 137 Crain, W. B., degree, 903 Cramer, R. E., appointment, 306, 699 degree, 135 Crandell, J. S., appointment, 301, 694 leave of absence, 3 Crane, F. H., appointment, 313, 706 Crathorne, A. R-, appointment, 290, 562, 682 Craven, F. I., degree, 246 Crawford, C. C, appointment, 277, 669 Crawford, C. W., appointment, 314, 708 leave of absence, 21 Crawford, Vernita M., degree, 233 Creamery, See Dairy Creamery. Creamery Package Manufacturing Company, dairy equipment purchased, 83 Crebs, C. J., degree, 906
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