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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
936 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Brown, F. R-, appointment, 331, 729 present at meeting, 94 Brown, F. W,, appointment, 304 Brown, Ferae, appointment, 352 resignation, 913 Brown, George Berdine, degree, 903 Brown, George Bosworth, appointment, 155, 286, 464. 677 degree, 544 Brown, H. A., appointment, 302, 694 sick leave, 536, 631 Brown, Helen E., appointment, 327, 350, 725, 747 degree, 434 Brown, Izeyl M., degree, 898 Brown, T. F., degree, 37 Brown, J. H., appointment, 106, 285, 677 Brown, L. L, degree, 252 Brown, Leahmae, fellowship, 197, 640 Brown, Mrs. Margretta F., appointment, 304, 697 Brown, Marjorie, degree, 893 Brown, Mary E., degree, 893 Brown, Mary L.. degree, 236 Brown, N. A., degree, 244 Brown, O. B., degree, 902 Brown, P, H., appointment, n o , 296, 560, 689 Brown, R. L., appointment, 305, 698 Brown, R. S., resignation, 257 scholarship, 197 Brown, Thelma E. G., degree, 136 Brown, Thelma F., degree, 236 Brown, Walter H., appointment, 418, 548, 676 Brown, William H., appointment, 256, 316 Brown, W, W., appointment, 109, 330, 562, 727 Brown Coal Company, contract, 51, 82 Browne, R. B., appointment, 109, 298, 346, 560, 601, 744 Browne, William Harcourt, appointment, 337, 734 Browne, William Henry, appointment, 334, 73i Bro-wnfield Woods, lease, 492 rental, request, 404 Brubaker, Virginia A., degree, 544 Bruce, T. W„ appointment, 110, 418, 688, 689 degree, 231 Bruch, G-, appointment, 345, 743 Bruha, G. E., degree, 255 Bruhn, Esther, resignation, 17 Brumbaugh, Lavara H., degree, 893 Bruner, D. K.f appointment, 418, 464, 548, 681 Bruner, Mrs. Elizabeth R., death benefit, 879 Brunner, R. N., appointment, 334, 732 Brunsman, R. H-> degree, 544 Brutcher, Dorothy E-, degree, 903 Bryan, W. J., prize fund, budget, 355, 752 Bryant, Mazie G-, certificate, 20 Bryant, O. G., degree, 902 Bryant, W., degree, 245 Bryden, A. J., degree, 897 Buch, H., appointment, 346, 743 Buchanan, Mrs. Marcia D., appointment, 35°, 747 Buchanan, R. T., degree, 903 Buchanan^ W. W., Jr., degree, 903 Bucher, E. C, degree, 383 Buchholz, J. T., appointment, 284, 676 leave of absence, 206 Buchholz, Olive M., alternate for Kinley fellowship, 225 Buchholz, W. H., degree, 248 Buck, Dorothy M„ degree, 902 Buck, J. E-, degree, 900 Buck, Katheryn E., appointment, 385 Buck, L. S-, degree, 252 Buckley, Roberta J,, appointment, 316, 522, 710 Bright, L. M., degree, 908 Brine, W. M\, degree, 902 Briney, Esther, degree, 236, 889 Brinker, J^ degree, 254 Brinkerhoff, J. K., degree, 900 Brissenden, C. W., degree, 244 Brissenden, J. E., degree, 343 Bristow, Florence E., degree, 903 Bristow, L., appointment, 107, 290, 683 British Columbia Pulp and Paper Company, bonds sold, 121, 153 Brittin, Anne J., degree, 412 Britton, W. E., appointment, n o , 325, 723 Brockway, Mrs, Frances L., appointment, 33^, 729 Broder, S. B., appointment, 13, 374f 418, 762 degree, 548 Broderick, E. L., appointment, 305, 698 Broderick, Margaret P., degree, 53 Brodie, A. G., appointment, 344, 742 Brodkin, M. F., degree, 383 Brodsky, A., certificate, 910 degree, 909 Brodsky, H., degree, 34 Brodt, L. P., degree, 236 Brody, B. B., appointment, 346, 743 Brogan, J. C., degree, 893 Brogden, H. E., degree, 136 Brogden, W. J., degree, 888 fellowship, 107 Brbgger, A. W., exchange professorship, 789 Brokaw, W, C, degree, 544 Bromley, Irene V., degree, 246 Bromley, Pearl C, degree, 236 Bronchoscope, purchase, 779 Bronchoscopic Clinic, gift, instruments, 520 Bronstein, I. P., appointment, 339, 736 Brook, Edith G., degree, 893 Brooks, Mrs. Eula, appointment, 750 Brooks, Fannie M., appointment, 317, 323, 710, 718 Brooks, Frances E,, degree, 90.2 Brooks, G. F-, degree, 34 Brooks, J. E,, degree, 909 Brooks, M., appointment, 302, 694 Brooks, N. C, appointment, 289, 681 Brooks, R., appointment, 375, 760 Brooks, R. W., degree, 236 Brooks, W. W., appointment, 39, 306 degree, 892 Broom, Mildred, appointment, 13, 39, 310, 497 See also Baker, Mrs. Mildred B. Brooner, Claire H., degree, 241 Brose, Katherine A. ( scholarship, 771 Broskuf, M., degree, 255 Brosnahan, Mary C, appointment, 277, 669 Brothers, E. D., appointment, 334, 731 Brotman, D. M., degree, 254 Browder, O. L., Jr., degree, 236 Brown, A., degree, 249 Brown, Mrs. A. A., appreciation, 139 gift, 133 Brown, A. J., appointment, 312, 320, 70s, 714 degree, 243 Brown, A. W., appointment, 292, 372, 684, Brown, B., appointment, 352, 749 Brown, B. M., degree, 438 Brown, C. D-, appointment, 377, 762 Brown, C, E,, degree, 383 Brown, Catherine E-, degree, 246 Brown, Clara, appointment, 330, 728 Brown, D, F., degree, 232 Brown, D. J., degree, 383 Brown, D. M., appointment, 290, 683 Brown, D. S., degree, 24s Brown, Edna M,, appointment, 348, 74s Brown, Esther, contract for instruction of, 72, 458 Brown, F. A., Jr., appointment, 39, 293, 563t 686 Brown, F. E., appointment, 297 Brown, F. G., degree, 435
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