UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 938]

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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Borchardt, Dorothy J., degree, 893 Borchers, Lois F., degree, 903 Borchers, R. B., degree, 236 Boren, M. H., appointment, 39, 297 resignation, 524 Borg, A. W\, Jr., degree, 138 Borg, Miriam R., appointment, 342, 739 Borgeson, C. A., degree, 232 Boros, H. H., degree, 911 Borri, P. R-, degree, 137 Borroff, J. D., degree, 897 Borsch, H. W., degree, 249 Borst, L. B., appointment, 915 degree, 893 Borth, Mrs. Dorothy B-, resignation, 44 Bosselman, Mrs. Beulah C., appointment, 337, 737 . • ^ , Bostic, Victoria E., degree, 437 Botany, budget, expense, 283, 675 salary, 284, 676 adjustment, 612 unused balance lapsed, 508 summer session, 106, 558 expendable gift fund, 283 fellows and scholars, list, 196, 639 laboratory fees, 226, 765 papers on plant pathology, gift, 381 professor of plant pathology, appointment, 490 Botany and Materia Medica, budget, 345, 742 Botany Annex, water purifier, 132 Bottenfield, E. O-, appointment, 141, 570 Botteron, D. G., degree, 893 Bottle washer, purchase, 83 Bottomley, J. A., appointment, 522 resignation, 773 Bourgin, D. G., appointment, 290, 562, 683 Boutin, V., degree, 893 Bovich, A., degree, 901 Bowditch, R. P., degree, 244 Bowen, C. E.. clerk, Board of Directors of Athletic Association, 432 Bowen, Dorothy E., appointment, 39, 328, 562, 725 Bowen, G. W., degree, 243 Bowen, Kathryn V., degree, 893 Bowen, W. F., degree, 902 Bower, L. E., appointment, 376, 761 Bower, M. S., degree, 255 Bower, O. K., appointment, 290, 562, 683 Bower, Viola K., appointment, 417, 691 Bowers, D. E., certificate, 253 Bowers, Mildred H., appointment, 349, 746 Bowers, W. C., degree, 900 Bowman, Hertha L., appointment, 301, 693 Bowman, J. A., Jr., degree, 909 Bowman, M. I., appointment, 61 degree, 55 Bowman, R. R-, degree, 254, 911 Bows, A. J,, Jr., certificate, 153 Boyd, Anita A., degree, 893 Boyd, Anne M., appointment, 325, 561, 722, Boyd, Elizabeth, appointment, 417, 733 Boyd, Mrs. Ella F., appointment, 354, 385, 75i, 915 n Boyd, H. L., degree, 413 Boyd, T. J., degree, 36 Boyden, J. H., mortgage, payment, 460 Boyer, J. M., degree, 893 Boyer, P., degree, 905 Boyle, M. J., & Company, bid, 475 Boyle, P. O., appointment, 343, 570 degree, 254 Boyle, w. D., degree, 906 Boyle, Flagg, and Seaman, bid, 409 contract, 410 Boynton, E. L., degree, 241 Boys, Dorothy E., appointment, 497, 703 Boysen, Marie J., appointment, 299, 691 Bozeman, Martha L., appointment, 915 scholarship, 198


Brach, W. R., degree, 435 Brachvogel, Mrs. Virginia L., appointment, _, 482, 733 Bracken, D, F., appointment, 279, 671 Bradbury, C. E., appointment, 108, 327, 558, Bradbury, Harriet V., degree, 236 Brader, H. A., degree, 236 Braderman, E. M., degree, 889 fellowship, 640 scholarship, 198 Bradford, L. P., degree, 233 Bradford, Marian L., degree, 236 Bradley, B. H., contract for instruction of, 29, 458 Bradley, C. D., certificate, 58 degree, 383 Bradley, Mrs. Helen B., bequest, payment deferred, 9, 453 Bradley, K. R., degree, 893, 898 Bradley, VV. B., appointment, 84 resignation, 142 Bradley, VV. F., degree, 231 Bradley, W. R., bequest, payment deferred, 9. 453 Bradner-Smith and Company, bid, 477 contract, 477 Bradshaw, G. VV., degree, 135 Brady, VV. VV., certificate, 789 Braeuninger, VV. B-, degree, 544 Braeutigam, Evelyn, degree, 893 Brahana, H. R., appointment, 107, 290, 6S3 Brainard, Bertha B., appointment, 417 declination, 415 Brainard, H. G., degree, 542 Branch, C. E., degree, 34 Branch, J. E., appointment, 327, 724 degree, 54 Brandenburger, B. P., degree, 907 Brandlin, J. J., degree, 893 Brandly, C. A., appointment, 570, 708 Brandon, R. H., appointment, 372, 757 Brandt, Bernice S., degree, 893 Brandt, L. A., certificate, 394 Brandt, VV. H., declination, 17 degree, 888 Brannon, J. M., appointment, 315, 319, 709, 7i3 Brashears, Lottie M., degree, 251 Brasmer, J. R., degree, 54 Braucher, H. H., appointment, 299, 692 Braun, G. VV., degree, 437 Braun, H. J., degree, 903 Braverman, H. B., degree, 255 Brawner, J. P., appointment, 287 declination, 415 degree, 232 Bray, K. J., degree, 243 Bray, R. H., appointment, 313* 706 Bray, VV. J., appointment, 345* 742 Brazitis, w . , degree, 245 Bredlau, E. A., appointment, 373, 758 Breen, Dorothy R., degree, 888 Breen, H. E., appointment, 418, 689 Brendel, R. O., degree, 900 Brennan, Mary E., appointment, 352, 749 Brennan, Virginia T., appointment, 294, 686 Brenner, Shirley, appointment, 335, 733 Brentlinger, E. P. appointment, 318, 713 Bresee, J. J., degree, 249 Bresee Brothers, bid, 151 Bretscher, C. E., degree, 248 Bretthauer, V. G., degree, 54 Brewer, Alice B. A., degree, 233 Brewer, F. E., degree, 236 Brewer, N., appointment, 482 Brewer, O. M-, degree, 245 Brewster, M. V., degree, 907 Brick masonry, investigation, 166 Bridges, H. B., degree, 436 Briggs, B. T., appointment, 39, 286, 678 Briggs, Frances A., appointment, 340, 737 leave of absence, 564