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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

932 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Beecher, L. F., degree, 412 Beecher, M. C.t certificate, 253 Beedle, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 348, 746 Beem, P. L., degree, 413 Beer, E, M-, loan canceled, 371 Beethoven, engraving, gift, 480 Begg, Eva A., appointment, 337, 734 Behling, B. N., appointment, 296, 689 Behrens, O. K., degree, 231 Behrens, R. D., degree, 251 Beiler, A. C, appointment, 304, 562, 697 degree, 544 Belair, J. H., degree, 136 Bell, Blanche, degree, 543 Bell, C. W., degree, 903 Bell, J. C, degree, 545 Bell and Zoller, bid, sr Bell Telephone Company, bid, 511 negotiations continued, 512 Belshaw, Emily L., degree, 902 Belshaw, V. H-, deg ree, 249 Belsterling, R. G., degree, 905 Belting, Natalia M., degree, 907 Benedetto, B., degree, 545 Benedetto, J. M., appointment, 374, 759 Benedict, S. W., degree, 900 Benford, M. C, appointment, 338, 735 degree, 383 Bengel, W. J., degree, 240 Bennam, H. V., degree, 903 Benham, M. J., degree, 236 Benner, J. D., degree, 897 Benner, T. E., appointment, 108, 297, 560, 690 Bennett, C. K., degree, 547 Bennett, E. C, Jr., degree, 898 Bennett, E. F., appointment, 464 degree, 889 Bennett, F. C, degree, 90.1 Bennett, G. L., bid, 169, 626, 785 contract, 86, 98, 169, 175, 196, 628, 771 Bennett, H. J., degree, 134 thesis, gift to assist publication, 186 Bennett, Helen, degree, 902 Bennett, W. L., appointment, 277, 669 Bennett, Winifred, appointment, 284 death, 563 Benninger, K. T., degree, 57 Bennmger, Reetha, appointment, 318, 319 resignation, 524 Bennis, C. S-, degree, 246 Benscoter, S. U., degree, 236 Benson, H. E., degree, 545 Benton, Audrey C, degree, 249 Benton, E. W., certificate, 394 Benton, Eva F., appointment, 417, 747 degree, 414 Bentrup, W. C, degree, 413 Bequests, Bradley, W. R., payment deferred, 453 Culver, Mrs. NeIHe M., 636 Young, C. B., 381 See also Gifts and Endowments. Berbaum, E. G., degree, 545 Berbaum, E. R., appointment, 352, 749 Bercaw, W. M., decree, 137 Berdahl, C. A., appointment, 291, 684 Berdahl, N. B., degree, 234 Beresford, A., appointment, 328, 725 Berg, Ebba E., degree, 437 Berg, H. J. van den, appointment, 328, 562, 725 Berg, M., degree, 521 Berg, Marguerite K-, degree, 234 Bergantz, T. A., appointment, 915 Bergeim, O., appointment, 339, 736 Berger, H., degree, 897 Berger, Helen L., degree, 245 Berger, I., degree, 521 Berger, S., degree, 909 Berger, S. H., degree, 436 Bergherm, C. R., certificate, 513 Bergman, Ruth E. ( degree, 543 Bauer, Charlotte, degree, 239 Bauer, E. E., appointment, 301, 694 leave of absence, 206 Bauer, F. C.f appointment, 312, 706 Bauer, P. B., degree, 34 Bauer and Black, contract, 11 fellowship fund, budget, 355 Bauersfeld, Ruth C, degree, 544 Baughman, V. L., degree, 241 Baum, T., degree, 254 Bauman, H. G., degree, 898 Bauman, I. T., degree, 898 Baumann, G. B., degree, 907 Baumann, M. C, certificate, 910 Baumgardner, Aileyne, appointment, 349, 746 Baumgartner, E. H., degree, 435 Baumgartner, R. A., degree, 412 Baumgartner, V. J., degree, 905 Baumhauer, Marion, appointment, 312, 705 Baur, J. W., degree, 244 Baxter, E. S., appointment, 417, 761 degree, 383 Baxter, R, K., appointment, 343, 741 Bay, A. P., degree, 383 Bayley, W. S., appointment, 288, 681 Bay miller, M. C. t degree, 249 Bazola, F. N., appointment, 345, 742 Beach, S. C, appointment, 376, 761 Beadle, E. S., appointment, 39, 292, 685 degree, 412 Beadles, Jessie R., appointment, 315, 319, 708, 713 Beadles, T. H., certificate, 513 Beam, Mrs. Mary W.f appointment, 317, 711 Beamer, P. R., appointment, 464, 558, 676 degree, 236 Bean, J. M., Electric Company, bid, 646 Bean, S. H., degree, 905 Beane, Wilma I., degree, 544 Beard, C. N., appointment, 915 Beard, Charlotte W., degree, 245 Beard, H., appointment, 338, 735 Beard, J. H., appointment, 331, 728 gift, 31 member of McKinley Hospital executive staff, 432 Bearden, L. D., degree, 897 Beardsley, M. W., degree, 244 Beasley, Flora J., degree, 903 Eeasley, K. B., degree, 889 Beatty, Florence R., degree, 889 Beatty, Pauline, degree, 54 Beaubien, M. H., degree, 893 Beauman, G., member of advisory committee, _ So, 472 Beaumont, W., memorial endowment, budget, 333, 73* Beaver, E. H., degree, 435 Beaver, P. C, appointment, 99, 375, 760 degree, 134 Beazley, C. W., contract for instruction of, 72, 458 Becher, Evelyn A., degree, 908 Bechly, Cary A., degree, 893 Beck, Jane E., degree, 239 Beck, W. C, appointment, 482, 762 Becker, H. C., degree, 897 Becker, I., appointment, 39, 336, 734 Becker, M. L., degree, 34 Becker, O. T., certificate, 253 Becker, S. B., degree, 240, 891 Beckman, A. L., degree, 246 Beckman, L. E., Jr., degree, 236 Beckman, R. H., degree, 414 Beckwith, Helen, degree, 251 Beckwith, M. MM appointment, 61, 155, 285, 385. 464 Bedard, R. E., degree, 34 Bedinger, P. L., appointment, 339, 736, 915 degree, 383 resignation, 913 Bedrick, T., scholarship, 771
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