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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 91 is fatal to living experimental material kept in this water and consequently endangers the results of important experiments as well as interferes with instructional programs. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. Horner, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Wieland; no, none; absent, Mr. Barrett, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Trees, Mr. Williams. HORTICULTURE BARN (3) On October 12, 1934 (Minutes, page 61), the Board instructed the Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Dean of the College of Agriculture to move the barn located on Florida Avenue and to put the grounds in sanitary condition. It is impossible to move the present barn and it is estimated that it would cost $5,000 to provide for its replacement. Although the Board directed this work to be done, no specific appropriation was made for the purpose. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, the Director of the Physical Plant was instructed to prepare plans and estimates for the construction of a barn and storage shed for the use of the Department of Horticulture, at a cost not to exceed $5,000. Governor Horner suggested, at this point, that the Board keep in mind the fact that the State Architect's office is prepared to give architectural service to all departments of the State. SPECIAL NON-RECURRING APPROPRIATIONS (4) A standing Committee on Special Appropriations and Non-Recurring Expenditures has recently submitted a report of its study of various equipment and other needs involving expenditures which have been referred to it from time to time. No provision could be made for any of these items in the regular budget for 1934-35. On the basis of this report it is recommended that appropriations be made for the following items, provided that the Governor will make an assignment for this purpose from the Contingent Fund in the University's State appropriations for 1933-35: 1. Elevated water tank and water main connection to same $40 000 This matter has been before the Board of Trustees and is a part of the program of meeting problems of water supply and fire protection. Difficulties encountered in the digging of a new well and with wells now in use emphasize the importance of providing these additional facilities at the earliest possible d a t e . 2. Additional appropriation for building maintenance This item is a part of the program of rehabilitation recommended for next biennium. Certain items, however, particularly roof repairs ($6000), gutters and downspouts ($4000), and repairs of plastering damaged by leaks ($5600), are essential at this time, but according to Director Havens cannot be taken care of out of the budget of the Physical Plant Department for this year. These items are of such a nature that they should not be further postponed, and this additional appropriation as a partial relief to the situation is recommended. 3. Additional partitions, fourth floor. Library Building This space is now entirely open and, since passageway must be maintained through it, it cannot be made use of either for storage or for class purposes. Instructional groups are obliged to meet there, but the open conditions make such use highly unsatisfactory. The proposed appropriation will make it possible to provide a passageway through the floor and to divide the space into several rooms suitable for class meetings or book storage. 4. Engineering equipment Expenditures for equipment in all divisions of the University, as already reported on previous occasions, have been for the past four years only a fraction of the average maintained through a number of years. The situation 15 000 3 000 10 000
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