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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 879 Minor contract executed under the general authority conferred by Board of Trustees: With whom United States Resettlement Administration For Temporary cropping agreement at the Dixon Springs Experiment Station Amount to be paid by the University Dale None May 28. 1936 This report was received for record. REPORT OF DEATH BENEFITS PAID (35) A report that the Comptroller has been authorized to pay the death benefits to the beneficiaries of the following employees, in accordance with the University Statutes and the terms of their employment: 1. W. A. Mclntire, employee in Department of Agronomy $155.00 Mr. Mclntire was in the active service of the University from April 18, 1911, to September 1, 1929, when he was retired. He died on May 14, 1936. 2. Mrs. Elizabeth R. Bruner, employee in Woman's Residence Hall 52555 Mrs. Bruner was in the service of the University from June 21, 1926 to June 21, 1936, the date of her death. This report was received for record. CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS FOR MEDICAL AND DENTAL BUILDING (36) Under the authorization of the Board of Trustees the following contract change orders for the second unit of the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building, as recommended by the Physical Plant Department, have been authorized and are being presented for confirmation by resolution, as required by the State Director of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public W o r k s : Be it resolved, that the Board of Trustees hereby approves the action of the President of the University in authorizing the following change orders for the second unit of the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building: I. General Contract Change Order No. 7 For provision of limit arms on all side-hung casement windows in accordance with Hope's Windows, Inc., drawing dated April 23, 1936, marked "A," all in accordance with quotation of J. W. Snyder Company, dated May 6, 1936 $1 721 For furnishing of bronze finger pulls on above casement windows in accordance with quotation of J. W. Snyder Company, dated April 20, 1936 576 $2 297 For changing provisions of first paragraph to drilling and tapping only for later installation of limit arms, omitting limit arms at this time, deduct 1 i8r Net addition $1 116 Change Order No. o1 Change in the original specifications for brick mortar from (1) Class " A " Cement-lime mortar—composed of one part Portland cement, one part hydrated lime, or equivalent amount of lime putty and not more than 6 parts sand, or Medusa-Mix mortar in 1 : 3 proportion. Class " B " Natural Cement Mortar—1 part bricklayers natural cement of ap'Superseded by Change Order No. 9 (Minutes, page 5). (General Contract) approved July 10, 1936 00 00 00 00 00
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