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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 783 REVISED BANKHEAD-JONES BUDGETS (3) The Dean of the College of Agriculture submits the following revised budgets of certain Federal funds for research and extension: the BankheadJones (Research) budget for the Agricultural Experiment Station; and the Bankhead-Jones budget, Smith-Lever budget, and Additional Cooperative Fund budget for the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics. These revisions are necessary because of adjustments in funds which have been made available for these purposes by the Federal government. I recommend approval of these revised budgets. Federal Bankhead-Jones Research F u n d Expense and equipment Salaries and wages Total Administration 1. 2. Item 15) 3. Item 16) , (See Administration, Item 12) D , (See Bankhead-Jones Extension Fund, DG50 , (See Bankhead-Jones Extension Fund, DG60 $12 328 26 31 040 00 $43 368 26 Salary $1 800 3 000 1 500 Agricultural Economics 4. , (To be inserted in Agricultural Economics Budget as Item 18a. Rank, Assistant) D Agricultural Engineering 5. , (To be inserted in Agricultural Engineering Budget as Item 8a. Rank, Assistant) D 6. , (To be inserted in Agricultural Engineering Budget as Item 8b. Rank, Assistant) DG50 7. , (See Agricultural Engineering, I t e m 9 ) . . D Agronomy 8. L. V. Sherwood (See Agronomy, Item 37) 9. V. G. Sprague (See Agronomy, Item 38) Animal Husbandry 10. J. B. Shields (See Animal Husbandry, Item 21) 11. , (To be inserted in Animal Husbandry Budget as Item 24a. Rank, Assistant) 12. J. M. Severens (See Animal Husbandry, Item 25) 13. A. E. Cullison (See Animal Husbandry, Item 31) D D D D D DG50 2 000 1 800 720 1 500 1 500 1 500 2 200 1 800 1 500 720 Dairy Husbandry 14. , (To be inserted in Dairy Husbandry Budget as Item 15a. Rank, Assistant) D Home Economics 15- Mrs. Virginia W. Randall (See Home Economics, Item 28) DG50 16. Gladys Marie Kinsman (To be inserted in Home Economics Budget as Item 23a. Rank, First Assistant) D Sub-total, Salaries 17. Wages H Total, Bankhead-Jones Research Fund Federal Smith-Lever Fund Expense and equipment Salaries and wages Total, Federal Smith-Lever Fund 1 800 720 2 (26 4 ?3' 100 160) 880 040 J 24 156 67 181 568 00 $205 724 67
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