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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
756 BOARD OF TKUSTEES [May 27 period covered by the course. A late registration fee of $1.00 per course will be charged if the student does not complete his enrollment before the third meeting of the class. Visitors will pay the regular fees. In general, no refunds of fees will be made. However, in exceptional cases, application for a partial refund may be made in writing to the Director. Such application must present substantial and convincing evidence of incapacity to pursue the course as a result of circumstances not within the control of the student. No refund will be made for withdrawal effected after the fourth meeting of the class. V. The Amount of Credit That May Be Applied Toward Graduation.— After matriculation, a student may count towards his degree as much as sixty semester hours of credit earned in extramural courses; or in correspondence study in subjects passed with grades of " C " or higher; or in a combination of both under the following conditions: (1) if he completes all the remaining requirements for the degree in residence at the University; or (2) if he presents acceptable residence credit for work done elsewhere and completes the requirements needed for his degree in residence at the University. In all such cases the senior year (of not less than thirty semester hours) must be done in residence at the University. VI. Withdrawal of Courses.—The Division of University Extension reserves the right to withdraw any class that has been organized, if the enrollment falls below the required minimum of fifteen. In case of such withdrawal, the fees of the students remaining enrolled will be refunded in full. V I I . Faculty.—Instruction is furnished by the teaching departments, instructors being on University appointment at fixed salaries. T h e primary responsibility for the preparation of courses and for the standards of instruction shall rest with the teaching department. V I I I . Extramural classes will be organized by semesters and will follow the University calendar. T h e Director of the Division of University Extension recommends further that $2,000 be provided in the budget for the year 1936-1937 for the establishment of extramural courses to try out the plan in a small way. It is contemplated that only two courses will be offered, one a graduate course in civil engineering in Chicago, which has been requested by a number of practicing engineers, and the other a graduate course in education in southern Illinois which has been requested by a group of public school men. It is estimated that the income from fees to be charged for these courses will equal, if not exceed, the appropriation. I recommend that this appropriation be made with the provision that the allocation of funds for various classes of expenses will be with the approval of the President of the University. On motion of Mr. Barr, the appropriation of $2,000 was made as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Mayer, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Wieland, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Horner, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue. On motion of Mr. Barrett, the recommendations concerning the program of extramural instruction were referred to the Committee on General Policy for study and report. B U D G E T OF T H E ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (36) T h e budget of the Athletic Association, showing the estimated income and expenses for the fiscal year July I, 1936, to June 30, 1937. T h e estimated income for 1936-1937 is $143,680 as compared with $192,240 actual for the current year. T h e difference is represented by a decrease in football income due to the fact that more of the important games are played here, where the income is less than in larger centers. T h e estimated expenses are $158,428 as compared with $155430 this year. T h e budget therefore carries an excess of expenditures for the year over income
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