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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i936l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 755 Division to provide for travel expense and to the teaching department furnishing instruction, in order to provide for any expense for additional teaching services that the size of the departmental staff makes necessary. Item ( a ) is to be anticipated and made in a single allocation. II. Organisation of Courses.—I recommend that it be the policy of the University to organize off-campus courses only ( i ) on invitation from the area to be served; (2) where there is an actual enrollment large enough to justify such action on the part of the University; (I recommend that this number be set at fifteen.) (3) where quarters are provided locally without expense to the University. I I I . Requirements for Admission.-—Admissions to undergraduate and graduate courses are of three kinds. ( a ) Admission to regular status. Persons who meet the usual requirements for admission as candidates for degrees will be accepted for enrollment in undergraduate courses with regular status. Persons with a bachelor's degree from an institution of recognized standing and with the prerequisites for graduate work in the field of the course in question will be accepted for admission to graduate courses with regular status. ( b ) Admission to special status. Persons eighteen or more years of age whose applications are approved by the Director of the Division of University Extension will be accepted for enrollment in undergraduate courses with a special status. Admission to graduate courses with a special status is open to the same class of persons as the regular status above. (c) Admission as a visitor. Admission as a visitor to undergraduate courses is open to persons who obtain the consent of the instructor. To graduate courses such admission is open only to persons acceptable to the instructor who do not qualify for admission to the Graduate School. Application and Registration.—All persons desiring to enroll in undergraduate extramural courses must make application to the Director upon forms furnished for that purpose. If application is for regular status official credentials of all secondary and college work completed to date must accompany the application. These will be passed upon by the Registrar as is done for resident work. If in the opinion of the Director there is a reasonable expectation that the applicant can pursue with success such studies as he desires, the application will be approved and registration completed through the Director's office. If the application is denied, any fees which the applicant may have paid will be refunded. Applications from students registered for courses in residence at, or from students who have been dropped from, institutions of college grade, will be considered only upon the recommendation of the proper authorities of the institution concerned. All applications for admission to graduate courses in regular or in special status are handled through the Registrar's office in the same fashion as for graduate students on the Urbana campus. Admission to the Graduate School may be granted to graduates of institutions whose requirements for the bachelor's degree are substantially equivalent to those of the University of Illinois and to applicants from other institutions approved by the Executive Faculty. Admission to the Graduate School does not, however, imply admission to candidacy for an advanced degree, and gives no right or claim to be so admitted. Such candidacy is determined by the faculty after the student has demonstrated that he has the ability to do major work of graduate character. A mere accumulation of "credits" or "grades" is not sufficient. IV. Fees.—The normal tuition fee for each course is $5.00 per semester hour of undergraduate credit; $15.00 for a course carrying one-half unit of graduate credit; and $25.00 for a course carrying one unit of graduate credit. T h e full amount of this fee is due and payable at the time of enrollment. Students may arrange for the payment of their fees in installments, in which case a service charge of 10 per cent of the amount not paid at the time of enrollment is assessed. Payment of the entire fee must be completed by the middle of the
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