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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

[O36] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 7O7 Salary 1 700 1 900 840 900) 1 740) 1 460 1 391 1 050 750) 1 800) 3 200) 1 500) 1 500) 679 645 1 800 1 600 1 128 1 071 060 960 1 080) 1 007 559 (96 873) 23 750 $120 623* 50. E. B. Earley, Assistant, Soil Fertility ( S ) •ii. C. H. Farnham, Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields ( S ) 32 L E. Allison, Assistant, Soil Biology ( S ) (See Hatch Fund (Total salary 33. L. F. Marriott, Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields ( S ) . . . 14 E P. Whiteside, Assistant, Soil Physics and Soil Survey (S) 35. _ , Assistant, Crop Production (C & S) (See H a t c h Fund (Total salary 36. , Extension Specialist ( E ) (See Bankhead-Jones Extension Fund 37. L. V. Sherwood, Assistant ( S ) (See Bankhead-Jones Research Fund 38. , Assistant ( S ) (See Bankhead-Jones Research Fund 39. F. E. Condo, Assistant, Soil Survey Analysis ( S ) 40. , Assistant, Soil Survey Analysis ( S ) 41. Cecele E. Schlarman, Head Stenographer (C. S.) 42. Lulu B. Meyers, Senior Clerk (C. S.) 43. Rosa M. Nickell, Stenographer (C. S.) 44. Mrs. Esther S. Chapman, Stenographer (C. S.) 45. Evelyn Raffelson, Stenographer (C. S.) 46. Mary F. Tabaka, Typist (C. S.) 47. , Stenographer (See Bankhead-Jones Extension Fund 48. F. W. Gault, Retired 49. J. D. Smith, Retired Sub-total, Salaries 50. Wages Total, Agronomy Animal Husbandry 1. H. P. Rusk, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) , Cattle H u s bandry ; H e a d of Department 2. Robert Graham, Professor ( C & E ) and Chief ( S ) , Animal Pathology and Hygiene (See Smith-Lever Fund (Total salary 3. L. E. Card, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) , Poultry Husbandry 4. J. L. Edmonds, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) , Horse Husbandry 5- H. H. Mitchell, Professor (C) and Chief ( S ) , Animal Nutrition (See Adams Fund (Total salary .' 6. W. E. Carroll, Professor (C) and Chief ( S ) , Swine Husbandry 7- Elmer Roberts, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) , Animal Genetics (See Adams Fund (Total salary ; 8. H. S. Grindley, Professor, Animal Nutrition, Emeritus D D DG42 DG58 D D DG60 D D D DG50 DG50 D H A AG57 AG43 A A AG75 AG25 A AG50 AG50 $ 6 400 2 915 2 225) 5 140) 5 560 4 475 3 357 1 118) 4 475) 4 038 1 009 1 910) 3 819) 2 (C) 'College, $26,415; Station, $94,208. °°°
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