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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

706 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S [May 27 12. M. D. Rose, Retired Sub-total, Salaries 13. Wages Total, Agricultural Engineering H Salary 663 (21 315) 4 295 $ 25 6101 Agronomy 1. W. L. Burlison, Professor (C) and Chief ( S ) , Crop Production; Head of Department A $ 2. C. F. Hottes, Consulting Plant Physiologist ( S ) DG17 (See Department of Botany AG83 (Total salary 3. L. H. Smith, Chief in charge of Publications of Soil Survey ( S ) A 4. F. C. Bauer, Professor, Soil Fertility ( C ) , and Chief, Soil Experiment Fields ( S ) A 5. J. C. Hackleman, Professor, Crops Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever Fund D 6. E. E. DeTurk, Professor, Soil Technology ( C ) , and Chief, Soil Technology, in charge of Soil Analysis of Soil Survey ( S ) . . . . B 7. R. S. Smith, Professor, Soil Physics ( C ) and Chief, Soil Physics and Soil Survey ( S ) A 8. C. M. Woodworth, Professor (C) and Chief ( S ) , Plant Genetics B 9. J. J. Pieper, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) , Crop P r o duction D 10. G. H. Dungan, Professor ( C ) and Chief ( S ) , Crop P r o duction DG33 (See Hatch Fund DG67 (Total salary 11. O. H. Sears, Associate Professor ( C ) and Associate Chief ( S ) , Soil B i o l o g y . . . B 12. Benjamin Koehler, Associate Chief, Crop Pathology ( S ) B 13. H. J. Snider, Assistant Chief, Soil Experiment Fields (S) D 14. D. C. Wimer, Assistant Professor (C) and Assistant Chief ( S ) , Soil Physics B 15. C. M. Linsley, Assistant Professor, Soils Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever Fund D 16. A. L. Lang, Assistant Chief, Soil Experiment Fields ( S ) B 17. F. H. Crane, Assistant Professor ( C ) and Assistant Chief ( S ) , Soil Fertility B 18. R. H. Bray, Assistant Chief, Soil Survey Analysis ( S ) . . B 19. H e r m a n Wascher, Assistant Chief, Soil Survey ( S ) . . . . D 20. R. S. Stauffer, Associate, Soil Physics and Soil Survey (S) D 21. C. J. Badger, Associate, Soil Experiment Fields ( S ) B 22. W. J. Mumm, Associate, Plant Breeding ( C & S ) B 23. O. T. Bonnett, Associate, Plant Breeding ( C & S ) B 24. L. B. Miller, Associate, Soil Experiment Fields ( S ) B 25. J. E. Gieseking, Associate, Soil Physics and Soil Survey (S) D 26. Eric Winters, Associate, Soil Physics and Soil Survey (S) D 27. G. D. Smith, First Assistant, Soil Physics and Soil S u r vey ( S ) D 28. J. C. Anderson, First Assistant, Soil Fertility ( S ) D 29. P. E. Johnson, Assistant, Soil Experiment Fields ( S ) . . . D 1 6 400 899 4 493) 5 392) 4 038 4 475 4 520) 3 818 4 725 4 038 3 750 1 350 2 400) 3 750) 3 600 3 600 2005 3025 3 600) 2 530 2 620 2 800 2 400 2350 1 090 2 350 2 170 2 080 2 400 2040 2400 1 630 1 74° College, $12,924; Station, $12,686.
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