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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

[936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 67I Salary 21. Mary A. Lesicko, Stenographer (C. S.) (See Entrance Examinations Fund Sub-total, Salaries 22. Wages Total, Registrar's Office, Urbana H 960) (31 230) 3 700 $ 34 930 REGISTRAR'S OFFICE, CHICAGO i. George R. Moon, Examiner and Recorder (C. S.) G50 $ 2 100 (See College of Medicine, Administration G50 2 100) (Total salary , 4 200) 2. Mrs. Ruth N. Adams, Assistant to Recorder and E x aminer (C. S.) 1 585 3. Mrs. Ethel Engeljohn, Clerk (C. S.) G33 573 (See College of Medicine, Administration G67 1 147) (Total salary 1 720) 4. Therese Stadler, Clerk and Stenographer (C. S.) . . . I 072 Sub-total, Salaries (5 330) 5. Wages H 25 Total, Registrar's Office, Chicago $ 5 355 DEAN OF MEN F. H. Turner, Dean of Men D C. R. Frederick, Assistant Dean of Men D D. F. Bracken, Assistant Dean of Men D D. M. Larrabee, Assistant to the Dean of Men D Hazel A. Yates, Secretary to the Dean of Men (Exempt) D Sub-total, Salaries 6. Wages H Total, Dean of Men 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. DEAN OF WOMEN Maria Leonard, Dean of Women Irene D. Pierson, Assistant Dean of Women Catherine C. Nelson, Assistant to the Dean of W o m e n . . (See Residence Halls (Total salary Frances E. Swanson, Secretary ( E x e m p t ) Sub-total, Salaries Wages Total, Dean of Women INFORMATION OFFICE i. H. E. Cunningham, Director D (Salary under University Press and Board of T r u s tees) 2. Anna L. Neuber, Assistant Director (C. S.) Sub-total, Salaries 3. Wages H Total, Information Office 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $5107 2 500 2500 1 400' 1 600 (13 107) 10 000 $ 23 107 B $ 5 560 D 2 207 DG74 1 122 DG26 400) I 522) D I 700 (10 589) H 3 270 $ 1 3 859 $ 2 600 (2 600) 2 ill 4 7" $ UNIVERSITY PRESS 1. H. E. Cunningham, Director of the University Press and Information Office DG83 $ 4 105 (See Board of Trustees DG17 895) (Total salary S «») 1 With privilege of taking not to exceed 1^ units of graduate work.
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