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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

67O BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ M a y 27 Salary 2 000 I 720 1 720 I 540 1 320 1 020) I 680) (12 775) 30 $ 12 805 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. J. F. Knight, Junior Assistant Purchasing Agent (C. S.) Mrs. Florence Nelson, Junior Accountant (C. S.) Bess Walsh, Senior Clerk (C. S.) Mrs. Miriam Stillman, Senior Clerk (C. S.) Gertrude Goatley, Senior Stenographer ( C . S.) W. A. Powers, Junior Clerk (C. S.) (From Chicago General Storeroom Overhead 8. David Henze, Dental Storekeeper (C. S.) (From Dental Supply Room Overhead Sub-total, Salaries 9. Wages Total, Business Office, Chicago H REGISTRAR'S OFFICE, URBANA ( T h e divisions into which this budget is divided are for administrative convenience only.) 1. G. P. Tuttle, Registrar ( C . S . ) Division of Admissions 2. D. A. Grossman, Examiner (C. S.) (See Accountancy Fund (See Entrance Examinations Fund (Total salary 3. L. V. Peterson, Assistant Examiner ( C . S . ) (See Entrance Examinations Fund (See University Extension (Total salary 4. Harriet E. H a m m , Assistant Examiner (C. S.) 5. M. Zella Hall, Assistant Examiner ( C . S . ) (See Accountancy Fund (Total salary Division of Records 6. L. A. Boice, Retired 7. E. C. Seyler, Recorder (C. S.) 8. Mrs. Tabitha B. Ridge, Assistant Recorder (C. S.) 9. M. Priscilla Howe, Assistant Recorder ( C . S . ) 10. Dorothy Clark, Assistant Recorder ( C . S . ) 11. Verna L. Everett, Record Clerk (C. S.) 12. Rosene A. Hawthorne, Record Clerk ( C . S . ) 13. Vivian Glenn, Record Clerk (C. S.) 14. Ruth G. Clinite, Record Clerk (C. S.) Division of Statistics 15. Mary E. Johnston, Record Clerk ( C . S . ) 16. Helen A. Pleshar, Record Clerk (C. S.) General Assistants 17. Alta Bagott, Filing Clerk (C. S.) (See Entrance Examinations Fund (Total salary 18. Mrs. Lucy J. Tucker, General Assistant ( C . S . ) (See Entrance Examinations Fund (Total salary 19. Carrie McGreevy, Head Stenographer ( C . S . ) (See Entrance Examinations Fund (See Accountancy Fund (Total salary 20. Mrs. Ethelyn Firke, Stenographer (C. S.) G80 G20 G90 Gio G64 G15 G21 G72 G19 G 9 G15 G60 G25 G46 G54 $ 5 000 2 980 705) 353) 4 038) 225 930) 385) 1 540) 1 990 918 1 072) 1 900) 1 3 1 I 1 1 1 480 000 800 900 5°° 000 270 900 912 1300 060 1 160 290) I 45°) 860 100) 060) 875 19S) 290) I 360) 1 200
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