Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

596 BOARS OF TRUSTEES [March 10 (or officers) best acquainted with the subject matter thereof, and in whose department lies the responsibility for the execution thereof, and approved by the President of the University. (b) All contracts prior to the execution thereof shall be approved as to legal form and validity by the University Counsel; such approval to be endorsed in writing on the contract. All contracts shall be executed at least in duplicate; an original thereof shall be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and remain in his custody. (c) The Secretary of the Board of Trustees shall immediately file a true copy of all contracts, one in the office of the Comptroller of the University, and one with the proper officer in charge of the department immediately concerned with execution of the subject matter of the contract. (d) All University contracts shall be executed as follows: I. All major contracts or those involving some general university policy shall be signed by the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, unless directed to be otherwise executed by the Board of Trustees or by the Executive Committee thereof. II. Minor contracts and those involving the purchase of ordinary supplies, advertising and publicity matters, and other routine matters in the ordinary operation of university affairs, shall be signed by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and by the Comptroller of the University, to whom authority is hereby delegated by the Board for such purpose. I I I . The Comptroller shall be given authority to sign leases of land for agricultural experimental w o r k ; provided, that no officer of the University shall enter into negotiations to secure such leases or deeds without previous specific authorization from the President of the University. (e) All contracts must have the seal of the University attached. IV. Contracts for the purchase of fuel, stationery, and printing paper shall be reported to the Governor for approval as required by the Constitution of the State. BILLS FOR TRAVELING EXPENSES 53. ( a ) Itemized bills in the form prescribed by the Comptroller shall be presented to the Comptroller for payment as promptly as possible and in any case within sixty days following the completion of the trip for which the expense was incurred. In the case of university employees whose duties require a large amount of traveling within the State, it shall be deemed sufficient if bills are presented monthly. (b) Traveling expense bills presented by members of the faculties of the several colleges, members of the experiment station staffs, and employees of the administrative offices of the University, must be approved by the dean of the college, the director of the station, or the officer in charge of the administrative office, and endorsed by the Comptroller. (c) Traveling expense bills for deans, directors, and officers in charge of administrative departments must be approved by the President of the University and endorsed by the Comptroller. ( d ) Traveling expense bills of the President of the University and of the members of the Board of Trustees must be approved by the Chairman of the Finance Committee and endorsed by the Comptroller. EXPENSES OF VISITORS AND GUESTS 54. The Comptroller will pay bills for transportation and entertainment of visitors and guests at the University only when such visitors and guests have rendered a definite service to the University, which fact shall appear in the voucher. PROCEDURE tN F I X I N G LABORATORY F E E S 55. All recommendations for establishing a ing established laboratory fees shall be made concerned or by the equivalent officer and shall his reasons for making the recommendation. papers his own recommendation with reasons new laboratory fee or for changby the head of the department be sent by him to the dean with T h e dean shall indorse on the therefor and send them to the