Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 595 G. Fiscal Year of the University T h e fiscal year of the University shall begin with the first day of July of each year and end on the thirtieth day of June next succeeding, but all reports shall be made as required by law. T H E PHYSICAL P L A N T DEPARTMENT 51. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the President of the University. He shall be responsible for the following functions subject to the approval of the P r e s i d e n t : I. Physical plant operation and maintenance at Urbana-Champaign and Chicago including ( a ) Building maintenance (b) Ground maintenance (c) Operation and maintenance of general university trucks and cars ( d ) Operation and maintenance of the power plant and distribution system (e) Operation and maintenance of the water station and distribution system ( f ) Janitor service ( g ) Fire protection ( h ) Police and watchmen ( i ) General superintendence of public functions ( j ) Physical plant storeroom ( k ) Physical plant and cost accounting records ( 1 ) General university telephone system II. He shall be responsible for all capital additions, replacements, and alterations to the Physical Plant, including the design and supervision of all Physical Plant construction, preparation of specifications and drawings, solicitation and receipt of bids, and preparation of contracts. ( a ) Contracts for all construction work for which specific State appropriations are made and for other construction work of a major character shall be awarded on the basis of sealed bids publicly opened in the presence of at least one member of the Board of Trustees and the Director of the Physical Plant Department or his representative. (b) Contracts on other construction work shall be awarded on the basis of sealed bids obtained by the Physical Plant Department and opened in the presence of the Secretary of the Board or the Comptroller. (c) In the preparation of plans and estimates, the Director of the Physical Plant Department is authorized to secure information from vendors concerning materials and equipment and the prices of the same. III. Distribution and record of all keys to university buildings IV. Use of buildings ( a ) Assignment of space for departmental use, subject to the approval of the President. (b) General supervision of classroom assignments. (c) Use of rooms by organizations (See section 61, page 24). V. General supervision of residence hall operation and maintenance in conjunction with the Business Office and the Office of the Dean of Women. VI. Supervision of the Photographic Laboratory operation. VII. Members of the scientific and technical staff shall stand in an advisory relation to the Physical Plant Department. DRAFTING AND EXECUTION OF UNIVERSITY CONTRACTS 52. All university contracts shall be drafted and executed as follows: ( a ) Contracts shall be drafted in tentative form by the university officer