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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

582 BOAED OF TRUSTEES ACADEMIC FREEDOM [March 10 23. Freedom in teaching and in the pursuit of knowledge shall be maintained, but such freedom of teaching shall not include the right to advocate or teach in the classroom or elsewhere the overthrow of our present form of government by force or violence. APPOINTMENTS, R A N K S , AND PROMOTIONS 24. ( a ) All appointments, reappointments, and promotions of members of the staff shall be made by the Board of Trustees, on recommendation presented by the President. (b) Appointments shall be made on the merit basis, solely with respect to the special fitness of the individual for the work demanded in the position. (c) The following ranks in the academic staff shall be recognized: professor, associate professor, assistant professor, associate, instructor, lecturer, assistant. T h e principal officers of the administrative staff may be accorded an appropriate academic rank, with the rights and privileges pertaining thereto. ( d ) Recommendation to positions in the academic staff shall ordinarily originate with the department, or, in cases of groups not organized as departments, with the officers in charge of the work concerned, and shall be presented to the dean of the college for transmission with his recommendation to the President. In case the appointment or promotion of members of the rank of professor or associate professor is involved, the dean shall consult the chairman and the executive committee, or the head of the department concerned, or, if the college has no departments, the executive committee of the college, before making his recommendation. If the appointment involves a person who may be expected to offer courses open to graduate students, the dean of the college concerned shall consult also the dean of the Graduate School. (e) In determining appointments to, and salaries and promotion in, the academic staff, special consideration shall be given: ( a ) to the teaching ability of the appointee or prospective appointee; ( b ) his research ability and achievem e n t ; and (c) his general usefulness or promise thereof to the University. TENURE 25. ( a ) An appointment as professor or as associate professor shall be for an indefinite t e r m ; provided, however, that when a person's first appointment in this University is to a professorship, or an associate professorship, such appointment may be for any limited term, but a reappointment following shall be for an indefinite term. Appointments below the rank of associate professor shall be made for a definite term. T e n u r e may be terminated by: (1) honorable retirement; (2) acceptance of resignation; or (3) discharge for cause. (b) Cause for discharge shall consist of conduct seriously prejudicial to the University through deliberate infraction of law or commonly accepted standards of morality, neglect of duty, or inefficiency or incompetency. T h e enumeration of causes for discharge shall not be deemed exclusive and the Board of Trustees reserves the power to discharge a member of the staff or to refuse to renew a contract of employment for other causes, but it is to be distinctly understood that this power will be exercised only under exceptional circumstances and then only for conduct which is clearly prejudicial to the best interests oi the University. (c) No appointee shall be removed before the expiration of his term of service without first having been presented with a written statement detailing the charges against him, together with a summary of the evidence in support of the same. After the presentation of charges he shall have the opportunity of a hearing before the Board of Trustees. A L L UNIVERSITY POSITIONS ON M E R I T B A S I S 26. T h e Board stamps with its strongest disapproval any disposition to make patronage out of University appointments. Political, social, fraternal, or church influences are to be altogether ignored, and every appointment must be made on the merit basis. T h e President and other officers of the University are to feel fully assured that the Trustees will heartily support them in acting on this principle.
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