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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i93 6 l UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 581 ( d ) Appointments to the academic staff of the Summer Session shall be made by the President, on the joint nomination of the department and the director. LIBRARY 19. ( a ) T h e Library includes all such books, pamphlets, periodicals, maps, music scores, photographs, prints, manuscripts, and other materials as are commonly preserved and used in libraries, purchased or acquired in any manner by the University to aid students and investigators. (b) T h e Library shall be in charge of the Director of the Library, who shall be responsible for its arrangement and care and for the organization of the Library staff; in the purchase of books and similar material, he shall act in accordance with business methods approved by the Comptroller. He shall make to the President an annual report on the condition and needs of the Library and on the work of the staff. With the approval of the President, the Director of the Library may establish branch libraries within the University when in their opinion efficiency in cataloguing, ordering, and other matters of library administration, and the general welfare of a particular college, school or department will thereby be promoted; and when such action has been taken, the Director may delegate appropriate powers to the assistants in charge of such branches. (c) T h e Director shall be elected biennially by the Board of Trustees, on the nomination of the President of the University. On the occasion of each such election, the President shall have the advice of the Senate Library Committee, to which for this purpose he shall add two members of the Library staff. ( d ) Members of the Library staff shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the Director of the Library as approved by the President, and may be given appropriate academic rank. (e) A standing committee of the Senate on the Library shall apportion the library book funds, and shall advise with the Director in matters pertaining to the Library. T h e Director shall be ex-officio a member of the Committee. T H E D E A N OF M E N AND THE D E A N OF W O M E N 20. ( a ) T h e Dean of Men and the Dean of Women shall be appointed biennially by the Board of Trustees on the nomination of the President. (b) T h e Dean of Men and the Dean of Women shall be general advisers for men and women students respectively. Their duties shall be advisory and not regulative. T h e functions they perform shall include personnel work, vocational direction, and guidance in problems involving intellectual, emotional, and social adjustments. They shall be empowered to summon students for consultation and advice. T h e Dean of Men and the Dean of Women shall be members of the Senate Committee on Student Organizations and Activities. THE REGISTRAR 21. ( a ) T h e Registrar shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees on the recommendation of the President. (b) He shall conduct general correspondence with prospective students, pass upon the credentials of students entering the colleges and schools, supervise their entrance examinations, and have charge of their matriculation, registration, and their academic records. (c) T h e Registrar shall assess all term fees, tuition, and other fees of students imposed by their attendance on the University and shall report the same to the Comptroller for collection. He shall keep detailed records of all such fees assessed and shall submit these original records for audit at the time the accounts of the Comptroller and the Treasurer are audited. T H E UNIVERSITY P R E S S 22. T h e Director of the University Press shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees on the nomination of the President of the University. (a) He shall have charge of the work of editing, printing, and distributing the publications of the University.
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