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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 531 Meyer, Mr. Pogue, M r . W i l l i a m s ; no, n o n e ; absent, Mr. Barr, M r s . Freeman, M r . H o r n e r , M r s . Plumb, M r . Wieland. APPROPRIATIONS FOR OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY COUNSEL A N D PATENTS COMMITTEE (4) A recommendation that the following appropriations be made from the General Reserve Fund to supplement funds provided for the current year: Office of the University Counsel $500 00 Faculty Committee on Patents 200 00 On motion of D r . Meyer, these appropriations were made, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Barrett, M r . K a r r a k e r , M r . Mayer, D r . Meyer, M r . Pogue, M r . W i l l i a m s ; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Barr, M r s . Freeman, M r . H o r n e r , M r s . Plumb, M r . Wieland. REAPPROPRIATION OF F U N D S TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE (5) A request from the Department of Horticulture that unassigned income in the amount of $1,866.70, accruing to that Department and carried forward from the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, be appropriated for the following purposes: One Dodge pick-up truck $ 489 00 One Dodge platform truck 730 00 One McCormick-Deering tractor 647 70 Total $1866 70 I recommend approval. On motion of M r . Barrett, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Barrett, M r . K a r r a k e r , M r . Mayer, D r . Meyer, Mr. Pogue, M r . W i l l i a m s ; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Barr, M r s . Freeman, Mr. H o r n e r , M r s . Plumb, M r . Wieland. APPROPRIATION FOR HAIL INSURANCE ON GREENHOUSES (6) In accordance with the authorization of the Board of Trustees on July 26, ^ S , the Purchasing Agent has secured quotations on hail insurance policies on the glass of the greenhouses on the basis of a replacement cost of eighteen cents a square foot. The lowest quotation was submitted by Howard B. Hare, of Chicago, representing the Phoenix Assurance Company and Springfield Fire and Marine Company, at a cost of $826.07, f ° r a three-year policy. (The next low bid was $550 higher.) It is possible to place this insurance with one company, and the Purchasing Agent and Comptroller recommended the Springfield Fire and Marine. An appropriation of $500 was made by the Board when it authorized this insurance, but by taking policies for a three-year period the cost per year is considerably reduced. This will require an additional appropriation of $327 from the General Reserve Fund. I concur in the recommendations for the placing of this insurance and recommend that an appropriation of $327 be made from the General Reserve Fund to supplement the previous appropriation of $500 made for this purpose. On motion of D r . Meyer, this insurance was placed as recommended, and the appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Barrett, M r . K a r r a k e r , M r . Mayer, D r . Meyer, M r . Pogue, M r . Williams; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Barr, M r s . F r e e m a n , M r . H o r n e r , Mrs. Plumb, M r . Wieland. TRANSFER OF UNUSED BALANCES IN SALARIES BUDGETS TO GENERAL RESERVE (7) The action of the Board in approving the budget for each year provides that when appointments are made at salary rates less than the amounts provided in the budget the unused balances will lapse at that time. As long as there has
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