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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1934] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 51 disability at a total salary of $570.88 (based on one-half of his annual rate of $801.28), extending from October 12, 1934, to June 30, 1935. On motion of M r . K a r r a k e r , this leave was granted. PURCHASES (11) A recommendation that the following purchases be authorized: 1. Six hundred twenty-five tons crushed rock from Lehigh Stone Company, Kankakee, Illinois, at $145 per ton, net, or a totaj of $906.25, to be used in constructing the steam line. This is based on competitive quotations. 2. Reinforcing steel from Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation of Chicago, at $989.93 f.o.b. Urbana, for use in constructing the steam line. This is based on competitive quotations. 3. Six hundred eighty-three barrels of Portland cement at a price of $2.20 per barrel, net, from the following: Somers-Barr Company, Urbana 171 bbls. $ 376 20 Champaign Builders Supply Co 170 bbls. 374 00 Alpha Coal & Materials Co., Champaign.. .171 bbls. 376 20 Morris L. Hecker Company, Champaign.. .171 bbls. 376 20 Total $1 502 60 This cement is for the construction of the steam line. All prices are $2.30 per barrel, delivered, less 10 cents per barrel for payment within 15 days. 4. Two thousand bushels of No. 3 corn at 72V4 cents per bushel from George G. Gerdes, Champaign, at a total amount of $1450, for the Department of Animal Husbandry. On motion of Mr. Barrett, these purchases were authorized. REPORT OF PURCHASES (12) The following purchases have been approved by the President in accordance with the authorization of the Board of Trustees on May 22, 1934 (Minutes, page 577), because immediate action seemed advisable: Approximately 2,500 bushels of yellow shelled corn at 73 cents per bushel (approximate total $1,825) from H. T. Walton and Son, Mayview, Illinois. This report was received for record. CONTRACTS FOR PURCHASE OF COAL (13) The Comptroller submits the following proposals received by the Purchasing Agent for the coal supply for the Power Plant at Urbana for the heating season ending June 30, 1935: SCHEDULE OF QUOTATIONS ON COAL Firm Name Brown Coal Co. Peabody Coal Co. Tilton Mining Co. Penwell Coal Mining Co. Pana Coal Co. Confolidated Coal Co. Sangamon Coal Co. Rice Miller Coal Corp. I 8c I Coal Corp. Coal Sales Corp. Bell and Zoller Carney Coal Co. Franklin County Coal Co. Old Ben Coal Corp. Sahara Coal Co. Wasson Coal Co. Shipping Point Oakwood WestviUe Tilton Pana Pana Mt. Olive Springfield HilUboro Nokomis Fidelity Zeigler W.Frankfort Energy and Royalton W. Frankfort and Christopher Harrisburg and Eldorado Harrisburg Pric*F.O.B. Hint 1 18 118 1 05 1 05 I 05 1 05 1 05 1 o; 1 05 I 222" 1 is 1 J5 1 3 1 35 1 35 1 3s Freight Rale 72 72 1 08 1 o! 115 1 is 1 20 1 20 1 65 I SJ1* 1 70 > 70 1 70 1 70 '7° 1 70 Delivered Price 1 7O1 1 90 1 00 2 13 213 2 20 2 20 2 25 2 25 2 70 2 773* 3 05 3 os 3 »S J 05 3 05 3 05 s 'Delivered to our plant by the Brown Coal Company. •Washed.
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