Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ J u l y II under the rules of the Board. The head of the department certifies that arrangements will be made to carry on his work during his absence without additional expense to the University. President Daniels also recommends approval. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this leave was granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR GEORGE T. STAFFORD (6) A request from Associate Professor George T. Stafford, of the School of Physical Education, for a sabbatical leave of absence on full pay during the second semester of the year 1934-35 under the rules of the Board. The Director of the School certifies that arrangements will be made by the Department of Physical Education for Men to carry on Professor Stafford's work without additional expense to the University and recommends that the request be granted. President Daniels also recommends approval. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this leave was granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR McDOUGAL (7) A request from Associate Professor M. S. McDougal, of the College of Law, for a leave of absence without pay during the academic year 1934-35 so that he may accept a Visiting Associate Professorship at Yale. The Dean of the College of Law and President Daniels have recommended approval of this request. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this leave was granted. AGREEMENT W I T H AMERICAN DRY MILK INSTITUTE FOR A COOPERATIVE RESEARCH PROJECT (8) A recommendation from the Agricultural Experiment Station that the University enter into an agreement with the American Dry Milk Institute, Incorporated, for a cooperative investigation to study The Utilization by Animals of the Calcium of Whole Milk and of Liquid and Dried Skim Milk and Their Values as Sources of Calcium in the Diet in Comparison with Other High Calcium Foods, the investigation to be carried out by the Agricultural Experiment Station. The agreement is for a period of one year beginning July 1, 1934, with provision for its extension, and the Institute agrees to pay a total of $2,700 in quarterly installments of $675 to cover the expense of the investigation. The agreement conforms to all requirements of the Board governing such investigation and I recommend its approval. On motion of Mrs. Hopkins, this agreement was authorized. DIXON SPRINGS EXPERIMENT STATION (9) A recommendation from the Agricultural Experiment Station that the University enter into a memorandum of understanding with the Bureau of Animal Industry of the United States Department of Agriculture and the Soil Erosion Service of the United States Department of the Interior for the maintenance and operation of a cooperative field station located north of Dixon Springs, Illinois, within the extended boundaries of or adjacent to the Shawnee National Forest. The object of the investigations to be conducted at this station under the terms of the memorandum of understanding is to secure information on livestock production, establishment and maintenance of pastures, erosion control, and other land-use problems, including afforestation presented by a very large area of marginal and submarginal southern corn-belt lands of which the lands on the Dixon Springs Station are representative. The memorandum is drawn to become effective June 1, I934> and to remain in effect during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1935, with provisions that it may be renewed from year to year thereafter at the option of the signatory parties. Such option shall be expressed in writing at least thirty days before this memorandum of understanding- expires. It is further agreed that this memorandum of understanding shall not extend beyond June 30,1945, except by the writtenapproval of the signatory parties and that not less than 90 days' written notice of termination of participation in