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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 461 highest average grade in law subjects for the three years in which he was registered; and the annual income on one thousand dollars to the junior making the highest average grade in law subjects for the two years in which he was registered." I recommend acceptance of this gift and approval of the statement. On motion of Mr. Barr, this gift was accepted and the statement was approved. ENDOWMENT OF E D M U N D JAMES LECTURES ON GOVERNMENT (10) A report from the Comptroller that the following securities, constituting the endowment of the Edmund James Lectureship in Government, have been turned over by Mrs, George E. Frazer to the University and deposited for safekeeping in the First National Bank of Chicago: $2,000 United States Treasury 3}i% bonds 1943-47 $1,000 United States Treasury 3?yi% bonds 1940-43 $2,000 United States Treasury 4% bonds 1044-54 This report was received for record. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (11) The following report of gifts received by the University since the last report: 1. Prest-O-Lite Storage Battery Corporation, $2,000 for a research assistantship in the Department of Chemistry during the year 1935-36. (This Corporation made a similar grant last year—Minutes, October 12, 1934, page 53.) 2. The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, $750 for the continuation of the research work which Dr. E. A. K. Culler of the Department of Psychology has been carrying on in animal hearing. (Original gift accepted by the Board October 12, 1934, Minutes, page 52.) 3. Textile Foundation, $600 for research work in the Department of Chemistry. 4. Charles B. Gibson of the Class of 1877, chemical and assay scales (original cost $275) to the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. 5. American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, an annual grant of $50 to be given to the first-year advanced-course R.O.T.C. student selected as the new student colonel of the brigade for the ensuing year, to be known as the "American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Illinois, Award." 6. Dr. David Kinley, four Chinese embroideries to the College of Fine and Applied Arts. These are to be framed and placed in the collection of the College. 7. Colonel Nodine Post No. 140, G.A.R. (through Mr. Walter Price of Champaign), nine volumes of manuscript records of the Post, including two manuscript volumes of the Journals of the 91st Infantry Regiment (with the seven volumes of the Records of the Post which were presented to the Library several years ago, these constitute all or nearly all of the records of the Post) ; also a gavel made chiefly from materials found on some of the battlefields in which the members of the Post engaged, and a few photographs. 8. Directors of the Urbana Association of Commerce, all of the N.R.A. literature the Association has collected during the past two years, to the University Library. p. Mrs. Jennie H a r t m a n of Champaign, a powder horn used by a Hessian soldier in the Revolutionary W a r . 10. Chicago Illinae Club, $79.12 to be added to the Chicago Illinae Club Loan Fund. (Previous actions of the Board of Trustees: June 26, 1931, September 29, 1931, June 6, 1933, and June 15, 1934.) 11. Standard Brands, Incorporated, $1,750.00 for the continuation of research work on the antiseptic properties of the skin. (Previous actions of the Board of Trustees: May 9, 1930, March 11, 1931, and November 10, 1933.) This report was received for record. POLICY GOVERNING THE NAMING OF BUILDINGS (12) The Director of the Physical Plant Department reports that from time to time suggestions have been made that the Residence Halls should have
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