Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
382 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 26 all of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the creation of a fund to be known as the Verdell-Frazier-Young Memorial Fund, the income to be administered by the Trustees in accordance with their own judgment, discretion, and rules, and for the general purpose of the advancement of the education of women." T h e University Counsel has executed and filed the University's appearance and consent to an immediate hearing upon the petition of the Mercantile Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago for the probate of this will. A copy of the will is being filed with the Secretary of the Board for record. This report was received for record. TRAINING OF PUBLIC HEALTH PERSONNEL (45) T h e Economic Security Act, recently passed by Congress, provides funds to the United States Public Health Service for a comprehensive national program of public health. One of the items in this assignment of funds is for the purpose of training and providing public health personnel. T h e Surgeon General of the United States has been advised of the policy of the University of Illinois to offer its facilities and services, within the limits of its financial resources and its character as an institution of higher education and an organization of scientific research, to governmental agencies whenever it feels it can serve the public interest; and also of the facilities at the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois for the training of public health personnel. This report was received for record. CHAIR OF SLAVONIC LANGUAGES (46) T h e Board has had under consideration a proposal that there be established at the University a chair of Slavonic languages. No provision was made in the State appropriation to the University for 1935-37 for this purpose, and consequently it has not been possible to make any provision for it in the budget for 1935-36. Moreover, the various proposals which have been made concerning instruction in the Slavonic languages are somewhat conflicting and indefinite as to what type of work is desired. Under the circumstances, even if funds were available it would not be possible to set up the work until the various organizations and racial groups interested agree upon a program. This report was received for record. REPORT OF CONTRACTS The Secretary presented the following report of contracts executed by the President and the Secretary of the Board since the last report. Name Chicago Bridge and Iron Works Date May 27, 1935 Amount $19,385.00 Purpose Elevated Steel Water Tank GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS The Secretary presented for record the following list of graduate scholars and fellows appointed by the President of the University. Chemistry (Organic) Richard T. Arnold Darrell J. Butterbaugh James W. Clement George E. Eilerman Alfred C. Ettinger William A. Fessler F r a n k C. McGrew Glenn A. Nesty Paul S. Pinkney Harry K. Sutherland John H. Van Campen Gale K. Meadows Fellowship $600 Fellowship 600 Fellowship 600 Fellowship 600 Fellowship 600 Fellowship 600 Fellowship 600 Fellowship 600 Fellowship 600 Fellowship 600 Fellowship 600 Scholarship . • • Romance Languages