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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

366 BOABD OF TRUSTEES EXTENSION OF AGREEMENTS FOR COOPERATIVE INVESTIGATIONS [Juty 26 (25) A report of the renewal or extension of agreements for cooperative investigations as follows: American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, for the investigation of heating and ventilating, be extended for one year from July 31, 1935. American Poultry Industries for the employment of a special part-time research assistant to review and abstract certain scientific literature bearing on the subject of poultry and eggs, be extended for one year from June 30, 1935. American Dry Milk Institute, Incorporated, for a cooperative investigation to study the utilization by animals of the calcium of whole milk and of liquid and dried skim milk and their values as sources of calcium in the diet in comparison with other high calcium foods, be extended for one year from July i> 1935- (This agreement varies in no way from the original agreement except that it provides for more funds from the Institute.) On motion of Mr. Karraker, the extension of these agreements was approved. RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING PURCHASES (26) Recommendations from the Purchasing Agent for the purchase of the following items: One No. 3 all-metal photostat machine and one pair of mercury-vapor lighting outfits for the Photographic Laboratory from the Photostat Corporation at a cost of $1,160, f.o.b. delivered and installed. Funds are available in the budget of that division for this purpose. Forty-six thousand board feet of kiln dried Douglas fir of various sizes for the Physical Plant stock from Edward Hines Lumber Company, of Chicago, the low bidder, at a price of $1330.50. One 400-ampere arc welder, gasoline engine driven and mounted on pneumatic-tired spring-mounted trailer (to replace a 200-ampere Westinghouse arc welder, gasoline motor driven on skids purchased approximately ten years ago), from the General Electric Company, the low bidder, at a price of $1,303.34. Funds are available in the budget of the Physical Plant Department for this purpose. One 105 cubic feet capacity portable air compressor mounted on trailer equipped with springs and pneumatic tires (to replace 66 cubic feet compressor in. service since 1926), from the General Construction Equipment Corporation, Chicago (representing Schramm, Inc., West Chester, Pennsylvania), the low bidder, at a price of $1,782.50. Funds are available in the budget of the Physical Plant Department for this purpose. On motion of Dr. Meyer, these purchases were authorized. REPORT OF PURCHASES (27) By action of the Board on May 22, 1934 (Minutes, page 577), the President of the University was authorized to approve purchases for the Board when in his opinion an emergency exists. Pursuant to this action the following purchases amounting to $1,000 and over have been authorized: One hundred and ninety new awnings and awnings to be recovered, from R. H. Armbruster Manufacturing Company, Springfield, the low bidder, at a total cost of $1,357-55Two Ford cars (one V8 Standard Tudor Sedan and one V8 Standard Coupe)—in addition to the annual replacement of Federal Extension cars— from the E. V. Kirby Motor Company at a cost of $1,238.16. Articles of equipment for the University Radio Station from the RCA Manufacturing Company, Inc., of Chicago, at a total cost of $1,026.00. On motion of Mr. Barrett, the action of the President in authorizing these purchases was confirmed.
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