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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

364 BOASD OF TRUSTEES [July 26 Dixon State Hospital derived from the United States Veterans' Bureau for the care and treatment of veterans of the World W a r who are patients in the said State institutions shall be covered into the State treasury into a special fund to be known as " T h e United States Veterans' Bureau Fund." (4) All fees and other money received by the Division of Highways of the Department of Public W o r k s and Buildings shall, upon being paid into the State treasury, be placed in the road fund. (5) T h e gross amount of money received by the University of Illinois from whatever source, other than from endowment or trust funds and from Federal aid, belonging to or for the use of the State, including amounts derived from tuition, student fees, operation of dormitories, farms and stores, shall be paid into the State treasury without delay not later in any event than ten days after the receipt of same, without any reduction whatever and shall be covered into a special fund to be known as the "University of Illinois Revolving Fund." T h e General Assembly from time to time shall make appropriations payable from the University of Illinois Revolving Fund for the support, operation and improvement of the University of Illinois. Provided that the University of Illinois may retain a working cash fund of not more than $100,000 from which vouchers may be paid by it, which fund shall be reimbursed from time to time by the State Auditor by warrants against appropriations to the University of Illinois on the presentation of proper vouchers certified in the manner required for University of Illinois vouchers, with itemized receipted bills attached covering payments made from the working cash fund hereby created. Provided, further, that the University of Illinois may retain in its own treasury, out of its own receipts and collections, such a sum, not exceeding in the aggregate annually One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000), as may be necessary in the performance of any contract or undertaking with the United States in connection with any grant, advance, loan or contract for the erection of a building or buildings under House Joint Resolution 117, making appropriations for relief purposes, approved by the President April 8, 1935, and pursuant to authorisation given the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois by the General Assembly of this State, to enter into contracts with the United States for such purposes, T H O M A S F. DONOVAN President JOHN P. of the Senate DEVINE Speaker, Approved July 11, 1935 HENRY HORNER House of Representatives Governor This report was received for record. FEDERAL FUNDS FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS (21) A recommendation that the Board authorize applications to the Works Progress Administration for Federal grants of funds to repair, remodel, rennovate, or modernize University buildings in case it appears that such applications might receive favorable consideration. On motion of Mr. Karraker, the President of the University was authorized to make whatever arrangements may be necessary to secure such funds. AGREEMENT W I T H CROP PROTECTION INSTITUTE FOR INVESTIGATION OF N E W FUNGICIDES IN PLANT DISEASES (22) A recommendation from the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station for the approval of an agreement between the University of Illinois and State Natural History Survey Division, parties of the first part, and the Crop
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