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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 36l T h e statutes of the University provide for automatic retirement on the first day of September following the sixty-eighth birthday, but in exceptional cases and for substantial cause, retirement may be permitted at any time after a member of the staff reaches the age of 65. Dr. Moore is in his sixty-sixth year, so that he qualifies for retirement under this provision. The retiring allowance payable in his case is $1,762. I recommend that Dr. Moore be retired from active service, effective September I, 1935, with the rank of Associate Professor of Medicine, Emeritus, and that he be paid a retirement allowance of $1,762. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this recommendation was adopted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR JOSE A. BALSEIRO (17) A recommendation from the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that Associate Professor Jose A. Balseiro, of the Department of Romance Languages, now on leave of absence without pay, be given an extension of this leave for one year beginning September 1, 1935. Professor Balseiro has been at the University of Puerto Rico during the past two years and wishes to stay there another year for the sake of his wife's health. I concur. On motion of M r . Barrett, this extension was granted. RESPONSIBILITY FOR FEDERAL RURAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM (18) A recommendation that the Director of the Agricultural Extension Service, Dean H. W. Mumford, be authorized to assume the responsibilities in connection with the Federal rural rehabilitation program delegated to him by the Extension Service of the United States Department of Agriculture under such conditions as may be prescribed by the President of the University and the Director of the Agricultural Extension Service. On motion of M r s . Freeman, this recommendation was adopted. ARRANGEMENTS RELATIVE TO JUDGE SVEINBJORN J O H N S O N ' S SERVICES (10) A report that the following arrangements have been made with Judge Sveinbjorn Johnson, University Counsel, relating to his services to the Federal Government as Director of the National Emergency Council for the State of Illinois and his University services, in accordance with the authorization of the Board of Trustees on May 6, 1935: 1. He will take care of all work required of him as University Counsel, without additional cost to the University. Arrangements have been made 1 y Judge Johnson with Professor O. L. McCaskill to act for him either on > routine matters or whenever circumstances make it necessary, without expense to the University. 2. Judge Johnson will teach his classes in the College of Law as heretofore, or make provision for them without any expense to the University, so that there will be no reduction in the teaching services of that College as a result of these arrangements. 3- The status of Miss Naomi Fleming, Secretary to the University Counsel, is changed from full time to part time at twenty-five dollars a month from July 1 to September 15, 1935. This report was received for record. LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING CONTRACTS WITH FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO SECURE F U N D S FOR BUILDING PROJECTS (20) A report that Senate Bills 542 and 543, which authorize the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to enter into contracts with the Federal Government for the construction of buildings at the University and the financ-
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