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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 357 Mr. Karraker, Mr. Mayer, Dr. Meyer, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue, Wieland, M r . W i l l i a m s ; no, n o n e ; absent, M r . Barr, M r . H o r n e r . ASSIGNMENTS FROM THE CONTINGENT F U N D (5) In securing the State appropriation for the operation of the University for I933-3S, the Board of Trustees on June 27, 1933 (Minutes, page 269), agreed that $200,000 of the total amount be held in a special contingency fund to be released only with the Governor's approval, in accordance with the Governor's request for this provision as an emergency measure and his statement that he would release the funds on the request of the Board. The following statement of the assignments from this fund requested by the Board of Trustees, and the amounts allowed by the Governor, is submitted as a final report on the status of this fund. As this report shows, there was on June 30, 1935, an unassigned balance of $45,600 in this appropriation, and the total amount which lapsed unused is $49,934.96, the difference of $4,334.96 representing unused balances of the assignments made to the University. STATEMENT OF CONTINGENT APPROPRIATION TO THE UNIVERSITY, BIENNIUM 1933-35 AS AT J U L Y 17, 1935 Amount Requested by Amount Board of Allowed by Trustees Governor Board meeting of May 22 and June 75,1934 1. Improvements to water system 856 400 856 400 Comments Fully expended, and contract exceeded estimate by % 1,320.00. Unused balance $3,002.78. Board meeting of September 22 and October 12,1934 2. New steam line to Residence H a l l s . . . . 30 000 Board meeting of January 19, 1935 3. Well No. 11 14 500 4. Elevated water tank and connections to same 40 000 5. Plastering replacement 5 000 6. Remodeling toolroom and warehouse.. 10 000 Board meeting of February 9, 1935 7. Independent survey of the University budget (see jjf 8) 5 000 Board meeting of May 18, 1935 8. Independent survey of the University budget (addition to * 7) 3 500 Board meeting of June 75, 1935 9. Library bindery $ 6 10. Engineering equipment (part) 10 11. Remodeling offices 9 12. Paving campus streets (part) 14 200 000 100 500 30 000 14 500 40 000 5 000 5 000 3 500 Unused balance $1,332.18. 39 800 Less excess offset by balances in items 2 and 8 4 200 Sub-total Balance in appropriation Appropriation 35 600 200 000 154 400 45 6oo l Unused portion of allotments $4 334 96 1 $200 000 $200 000 On motion of Mr. Mayer, this report was received for record. 'Total amount lapsed unused, $49,934.96.
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