Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

356 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Balance July i, JPJ5 $19 156 55 788 28 161 737 10 150 6 313 9 240 5 233 [July 26 Estimated Total Transactions for Year $55 000 95 000 60 000 22 500 70 000 20 000 37 500 20 000 Storerooms—balances represented by material on hand: Office Supply Stores Physical Plant Stores General Chemical Stores Postage Stores Coal Stores Chicago General Stores Feed Storage Medical Drug Room Service Departments—balances represented by work in process and material on hand: Physical Plant Job System Print Shop Blueprinting and Photography Stenographic Bureau Applied Chemistry Testing Organic Chemical Manufactures Chicago Job System Chicago Animal Hospital Tabulating Machines Operation Vending Machines Revolving Accounts T. and A. M. Testing Military Uniforms Total (not included in budget totals) 20 707 I 286 1 3 621 1 977 696 I 014 346 1 300 90 10 8 3 10 126 6 8 000 000 000 500 500 000 500 500 000 200 483 1 I 610 $154 738 1 000 9 500 Ji 953 700 DEPOSIT FUNDS The following accounts are deposit accounts to which deposits are made by students and others for the use of certain equipment and facilities and against which refunds are charged when the equipment or facilities have been vacated. The balances and receipts of these accounts are appropriated for this purpose. Estimated Total Deposits 1935-1936 Band Uniforms $ 1 400 Graduate School Thesis Deposits 3 ooo2 Key Deposits 200 2 Military Deposits 50 000 Student Fee Deposits 4 000 Towel Fund—Men 2 ooo 3 Towel Fund—Women 1 ooo 3 Residence Halls Deposits 7 000 Lock Deposits—Men 4 5003 Lock Deposits—Women I 5003 University High School Deposits 100 Total (not included in budget totals) $74 700 EXPENSE AND EQUIPMENT BUDGET (4) T h e expense and equipment budget is summarized in the table on page 272. T h e total amount is $1,327,051. I recommend that this amount be appropriated according to the distribution shown in the table mentioned above. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this appropriation was made as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. 'Credit Balance. *Free balances lapse into General University Income June 30, 1936. •Balances lapse into General "University Income September 1, 1936.