Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 283 COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Summary Salaries Other and Wages Expense Total Administration $ 19 982 $ 4 025 ? 24 007 Astronomy 200 4 675 4 875 Bacteriology 18 426 15 316 3 no Botany 1 901 34 210 36 i n Chemistry 163 339 236 244 72 905 Classics 19 182 19 057 125 English 152 245 1 525 153 770 Entomology 16 961 2 OOO 18 961 Geology and Geography 47 214 49 012 I 798 German 30 685 200 30 885 History 59 041 200 59 24 1 Mathematics 89 168 89 718 550 Philosophy 26 588 26 538 50 17 960 Physiology 2 878 20 838 Political Science 36 824 100 36 924 Psychology 27 468 I 675 29 143 Romance Languages 300 63 675 63 975 Sociology 26 275 26 400 125 Zoology 60 001 7 500 67 501 Classical Museum 250 300 50 Museum of European Culture. 250 900 650 Natural History Museum 4 100 4 850 750 Total $915 234 $ro2 617 ?i 017 851 E x p e n d a b l e Gift F u n d s (All Research) Salaries and Wages1 Botany: Radiation Effects on Pollen Chemistry: Aerogels Amino Acids Lead-Acid Storage Cells Lubrication Prestolite Storage Battery Assistantship. . . . Psychology: Animal Hearing Estimated New Projects Total $ 300 700 1 500 600 750 1 600 2 000 3 000 $10 450 Other Expense1 $ 100 300 100 Total1 $ 400 1 000 1 500 700 75o 1 600 3 000 4 000 1 000 1 000 $2 500 $12 950 0 , 6 alary $ 7 660 Administration 1. M. T. McClure, Dean B (Professor of Philosophy and H e a d of the Department A •i. H. F. Fletcher, Associate Dean DG90 (Associate Professor of English AG10 (Total salary 3. H. S. Dawson, Assistant to the Dean" D 4. Mrs. Dorothy W. Morse, Clerk (C. S.) 5 , Graduate Stenographer (C. S.) 6. Gudrun Torgerson, Graduate Stenographer (C. S.) Estimated. ! With privilege of taking not to exceed 8 hours of undergraduate work. ) 4 500 500) 5 000) 2 000 1 286 1 280 1 180