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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1934] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 25 provision that the Society will not be required to contribute any fixed sum, but such amounts as its financial condition will permit. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this action was confirmed. DEATH B E N E F I T S (20) A report of the deaths of the following members of the staff and the amount of death benefit payable in each case, which the Comptroller has been authorized to pay the designated beneficiaries in accordance with the statutes of the Board and the terms of the contracts of the deceased: Date of death Frank T. Johnson Associate in the School of Music Margaret A. Gramesly Associate in Library Economics F. L. Stevens Professor of Plant Pathology Carl L. Lundgren Professor of Physical Education for Men and Assistant Director of the School of Physical Education July 13, 1934 August 12, 1934 August 18, 1934 A mount of benefit ?i 197 50 I 027 50 2 494 00 August 21, 1934 645 00 This report was received for record. REPAIRS ON MEDICAL AND DENTAL LABORATORIES BUILDING (21) T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department reports that the stone joints on the Medical and Dental Laboratories Building are in need of pointing and requests that his department be authorized to make the necessary repairs at a cost of approximately $1,800. Funds are available in the budget of the department for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Karraker, this expenditure was authorized. RESETTING BOILERS IN POWER PLANT (22) A report that the Physical Plant Department has been authorized to expend not to exceed $7,500 from its budget for rebuilding the entire settings of the two boilers in the power plant. It was necessary that the work be done during the summer and accordingly under the action of the Board of Trustees on May 22, 1934 (Minutes, page 577), the expenditure was authorized. T h i s report w a s received for record. P L A S T E R I N G WORK IN T H E C H I C A G O D E P A R T M E N T S (23) On J u n e 15, 1934, the Board of Trustees authorized decorating work in the Dental, Pharmacy, and Research Laboratory and Library Buildings in the Chicago Departments in the sum of $12,306. W h e n this work was started, in removing the calcimine, oil paint, and wall paper from some of the rooms, it was found that the plastering was in a very bad condition and that it would cost an additional $6,200 to make the necessary repairs and to do the redecorating satisfactorily. Two of the buildings are old buildings, and the maintenance of the Research Laboratory and Library Buildings was in the hands of the Department of Public Welfare, along with the Research and Educational Hospital, until July !. J933> when the University took over the responsibility. The condition of the plastering was not apparent until the decorator began removing the old calcimine, paper, and paint, so that the Physical Plant Department could not know that the redecorating would involve plastering. It was necessary for the work to be done at once, and the situation was put up to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and the President of the Board. T h e Committee felt that in view of the emergency the work should proceed at once, and the President of the Board authorized the additional expenditure. Funds are available in the budget of the Physical Plant Department to meet this cost. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this action was confirmed.
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