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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
24 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S [September 22 one year from October 1, 1934, with provisions for its extension, and the State of California agrees to pay the University the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) to cover the expenses, in addition to contributing all specimens f.o.b. Urbana. This agreement differs in some respects' from other agreements of this sort because the State of California will employ and pay directly one or more assistants, who will be used in this investigation; others will be employed by the University and paid for from funds furnished by the State. T h e agreement, however, meets all of the requirements of the Board governing such cooperative investigations. On motion of M r . Barr, this agreement was approved. INVESTIGATION OF STEEL COLUMNS (16) A recommendation from the Director of the Engineering Experiment Station for the approval of an agreement with the New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Railroad Company for a cooperative investigation of steel columns by the Engineering Experiment Station. The agreement is drawn for a period of one year from September I, 1934, with provisions for its extension, and the Road agrees to pay the University the sum of four hundred dollars ($400) upon the execution of the contract to pay the expenses, in addition to contributing the necessary specimens f.o.b. Urbana. T h e agreement meets all of the requirements of the Board governing such cooperative investigations. On motion of M r . A r m s t r o n g , this agreement w a s approved. AGREEMENT WITH INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN POULTRY INDUSTRIES FOR STUDY OF POULTRY A N D EGGS (17) A report that the Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station has been authorized to execute an agreement with the Institute of American Poultry Industries, Chicago, for the employment of a special part-time research assistant to review and abstract certain scientific literature bearing on the subject of poultry and eggs, the work to be done at the University under the direction of the Station. T h e agreement covers the period July 23, 1934 (the date of acceptance), to June 30, 1935, and the Institute has agreed to pay the University $600 in quarterly installments to pay the salary of the research assistant. On motion of M r . Barrett, this agreement was approved. CONTRACT WITH THE NAVAL RESEARCH LABORATORY (18) T h e Naval Research Laboratory at Washington requested the University to undertake an x-ray crystallographic investigation of the lead storage cell under the direction of Professor G. L. Clark, of the Department of Chemistry, the Navy Department to pay all expenses of this work. President Daniels authorized the execution of a standard form of Government contract covering this investigation. Federal regulations require the University to give a performance bond and the Comptroller was authorized to deliver such a bond in the sum of $200.00. On motion of M r . B a r r , this action w a s confirmed a n d the following resolution was a d o p t e d : R E S O L V E D that Lloyd Morey, Comptroller, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute in the name of this Board a performance bond in the United States of America in the penal sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) required on account of a contract with the Naval Research Laboratory for research to be carried on, on lead acid storage cells, in accordance with contract dated June 29, 1934. EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WITH AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING A N D VENTILATING ENGINEERS (19) A report of the extension of the agreement with the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers for research on problems of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning for one year from August 1, 1934, with the
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