Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I78 BOAHD OF TRUSTEES [April 27 Pharmacy Building (old portion only) 701-711 South Wood Street Fire insurance 80% Co-insurance 721-725 South Wood Street (Average annual premium, general University funds) Cook County Experiment Station Glass, windstorm, hail, fire (3 years) Store and Flat 1758 West Polk Street Fire insurance 80% Co-insurance Carter Pennell Farms Fire, cyclone, windstorm, hail (3 years) Stadium1 Windstorm (1 year) Nally Store and Residence Wright and University Fire, windstorm (1 year) Martin Farm Fire, windstorm (1 year) 100 000 24 000 24 800 10 000 14 150 687 500 3 500 3 500 750 00 192 00 ($593 20) 415 99 60 00 366 45 231 00 29 00 70 65 On motion of M r . Barr, the Comptroller was authorized to renew such insurance as m a y expire during the next six months, and the Committee on Buildings and Grounds w a s requested to study the general policy involved and to report its recommendations to the Board. At this point, Mr. Barr withdrew. RENEWAL OF LEASE OF UNIVERSITY PROPERTY AT 1 7 5 8 WEST POLK STREET, CHICAGO (8) Mr. Chester D. Speakman, lessee of the University property at 1758 West Polk Street, Chicago, wishes to renew his lease which expires June 30, 1935. There has been submitted to the Board a proposal that the three lots back of this property be purchased and the building demolished. Mr. Speakman's request was submitted to the Chairman of the Committee on the Chicago Departments. It is the opinion of the Chairman that the building should be leased for another year. On motion of M r . Mayer, the renewal of this lease for one year was authorized. TELEPHONE SYSTEM IN THE CHICAGO DEPARTMENTS (9) A recommendation from the Director of the Physical Plant Department that the telephone system in the Chicago Departments be combined with that of the Research and Educational Hospital and the Institute for Juvenile Research. This will combine four manually operated private branch exchange systems into one automatic exchange, which will be located in the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building and operated by the University. The cost of operation will be divided on the basis of the number of terminals used by each institution. This matter was presented to the Board on March 12 and referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds. Mr. Barrett presented a recommendation from the Committee on Ruildings and Grounds that this recommendation be adopted. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this recommendation was adopted. FEDERAL F U N D S FOR BUILDINGS AT LAND-GRANT COLLEGES (10) A communication from President Walter Hullihen of the University of Delaware, chairman of a committee of the Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities on Federal buildings at such institutions, concerning the ac*Paid by the Athletic Association.