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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 170]

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[April 20

I concur and recommend further that this appropriation be made from the General Reserve Fund and that the Governor be asked to make an assignment from the Contingent Fund for this appropriation. O n m o t i o n o f M r s . F r e e m a n , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a d o p t e d , and the appropriation w a s made, by the following vote: A y e , Mr.

Barr, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Mayer, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. Pogue, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Horner, Mr. Karraker, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Wieland.

SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATION FOR WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (27) The total estimated cost of all improvements in the water system approved to date (excluding the extension of the water main to the elevated tank, as this is included in a separate request for an assignment from the Contingent Fund in the University's appropriation) is $64,200. The appropriation for these improvements is $59,100, leaving a balance of $5,100 to be appropriated if all approved projects are to be carried out. The Director of the Physical Plant Department submits the following items which can be omitted: 1. House for Well No. 9 (estimated cost) $2 500 00 Although this house is in the worst condition of all of the well houses, considering the fact that it is producing only 150 gallons per minute, it does not seem a worth-while investment until we have had time and reserve water supply to examine the well and determine its probable life and production. 2. New pump and motor for Well No. 10 (estimated cost over repairing old pump) 1 280 00 We have had detailed estimates from Layne-Western for repair parts on the pump removed from the abandoned Well No. 6, totaling approximately $880. This pump may be used for Well No. 10. We propose to take die pump in Well No. 9, which has had approximately four years of service and place it in Well No. 11, leaving the pump in Well No. 8 for Well No. 9. This will provide two rather good pumps in the new wells and leave the old pumps in the lowest producing wells, which seems to be a logical arrangement. Total $3 780 00 If these items are omitted a supplementary appropriation of only $1,320 is necessary. This will cover the cost of the cross connection between the University's water system and that of the Illinois Water Service Company, which was approved last summer and the additional cost of the amount due the LayneWestern Company for Well No. 10. The contract with the Company provided payments for material and labor used in constructing the well, and also a payment of $2.00 for every gallon per minute which the well produced. When the well was finished the Company estimated an initial production of 4,000 gallons per minute and offered to settle on the basis of 2,400 gallons, which would have required a payment of $4,800. The estimates of the cost of the well were prepared on the basis of 1,000 gallons per minute and the Physical Plant Department thought it best to run a test. To run this test, it was necessary to purchase power from the Illinois Power and Light Corporation, which cost approximately $950. The test, which was under the supervision of the State Water Survey, was completed on April 2 and the report shows that the well produced an average of 1680 gallons per minute in the 48th hour of the test. The total payment to the Company, therefore, is $3,360, making the total cost of the test $4,310, or a net saving of $490 under the amount which would have been paid on the basis of the Company's proposal.

On motion of Mr. Barr, the omission of a house for Well No. 9 and of a new pump and motor for Well No. 10 was authorized, and an appropriation of $1,320 for final payment on the well contract was made from the General Reserve Fund (with the understanding that