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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Schuknecht, H. E., J r . , certificate, 133 Schulte, J. A. C, scholarship, 225 degree, 006 Schultz, H., degree, 522 Schuftz, H. A., appointment, 257, 304, 697 degree, 135 Schultzi, L., appointment, 343, 741 Schultz, L. VY\, appointment, 343, 377, 741, 762 Schultz & Niemeyer, wheat purchased, 795 Schultze, Anna M., degree, 895 Schulz, W. F., appointment, *o8, 304, 696 Schulz, W. F. J., degree, 36 Schumacher, A. H., degree, 34 Schumaker, G. K., degree, 235 Schuman, I., degree, 35 Schuyler, Gertrude J., degree,- 89s Schwab, Frances, appointment, 342, 740 Schwab, W., Jr., contract for instruction of, 97, 458 degree, 904 Schwade, L. J., certificate, 254 Sch wager, D. G., degree, 242 SchwaiDc, W. L., appointment, 108, 305, 563, 698 Schwaner, G. W., Jr., degree, 38 Schwartz, Christine T\, degree, 908 Schwartz, G. F., appointment, 327, 725 Schwartz. G. L., degree, 543 Schwartz, H. R-, degree, 384 Schwartz, 1., degree, 58 Schwartz, T., certificate, 910 Schwartz, M. B., degree, 254 Schwartz, M. Frances, declination, 45 Schwartz, N. N., certificate, 513 Schwartz, N. W., degree, 898 Schwartz, W. W., degree, 253 Schwerer, H. M., degree, 35 Schy, M. H., degree, 238 Sciarretta, S. A., appointment, 483, 758 Scotland, Beatrice L., degree, 54 Scotland, Ethel M., degree, 247 Scott, Agnes, L., degree, 247 Scott, Alice J., degree, 57 Scott, C. M., appointment, 286, 679 Scott, D. N., degree, 904 Scott, Elizabeth, appointment, 141 degree, 412 Scott, Frances M., degree, 251 Scott, Grace M. t degree, 251 Scott, J. W., degree, 238 Scott, K. F., degree, 250 Scott, Mary, appointment, 286, 678, 922 Scott, Mary L., degree, 434 Scott, R. A., appointment, 375. 760 Scott, R. M., degree, 904 Scott, Virginia A., degree, 238 Scovfil, H. T., appointment, 295, 559; 68S Scovill, Mary J., degree, 896 Scovill, W. S-, degree, 241 Scranton, Eva L., degree, 54 Seranton, N. A., degree, 244 Seranton, Naomi B., degree, 246 Scribner, L. R., appointment, 286 degree, 887 Scrogin, Annabelle, scholarship, 640 Scruggs, W. M., degree, 412 Scuderi, C. S., appointment, 377, 762 degree^ 256 Scully, Collette A., degree, 903 Scully, Constance A., degree, 247 Scully, J. C., degree, 522 Seagrave Corporation, truck purchased, 769 Seal, University, required on contracts, 596 use for Chicago departments, 73 Seamans, F. L., degree, 238 Sear, T. B., degree, 900 Searl, Anna W., appointment, 643, 718 Sears, H. E-, degree, 414 Sears, Helen L., appointment, 312, 705 Sears, O. H*, appointment, 313, 706 Sears, R. J., degree, 250 Sears, R. R., appointment, 107^ 292 IOO3 Seass, A. R., degree, 241 Seaton, D. C, appointment, 330, 727 Seaton, Mary B., degree; 904Seaton, R. M., certificate, 139 degree, 522 Seavey, A. M., certificate, 790 Secondary schools, admission from, Senate committee, official recognition, 190 Secord, A. W., appointment, 287, 560, 679 Secord, Fern M., d.egree, 249 Secretary of Board, authority to execnte agreement for Medical building, 528 contracts executed, 34, 61, 74, 84, 98, rj8, 196. 382, 410, 481, 519, 635, 771, 885 custodian of contracts, 596 delegation of signature, 147, 555 election, 146, 554 power-of-attorney, 176 presence at opening of bids, 491, 594, 595 signature required on contracts, 596 surety bond, statute, 594 Sedgwick, Waneta, degree, 904 Sedlak, F. C-, degree, 254 Seed, L., appointment, 377, 762 gift. 521 Seed corn, purchase, 97, 152, 171, 176 Seelraayer, Helen M., degree, 137 Seely, F. B., appointment, 305, 697 Seely, I. R., degree, 244 Seely, Mary L., appointment, 643, 745 Segal, C. F., degree, 897 Segal, M. J., degree, 433 fellowship, 197 resignation, 552 Segenreich, H. M., certificate, 910 Segur, Dorothy F., degree, 899 Seifert, M. H-, appointment, 335 Seifert, R. L. E., appointment, 156, 678 degree, 134 fellowship, 197 Seifert, W. F., certificate, 354 Seiler, Kathryn I., degree, 906 Seller, O. E-, commumcation, student union building, 116 Seinfeld, S. G., appointment, 37^, 757 Sekava, G, C-, degree, 56 Selbach, Eleanor M., degree, 895 Selett, J. W., degree, 412 Seletto, R. J., degree, 904 Selicovitz, Mrs. Fannie W., resignation, 384 Seligman, S-, certificate, 513 Seligson, L., degree, 248 Sellers, Kathryn M., degree, 437 Sellman, R-, certificate, 513 Selmeyer, Martha A., degree, 896 Seltzer, L. Z., degree, 139 Selwitz, H., degree, 255 Senate, committees, admissions, official recognition, 190 educational policy, chair of Slavonic languages, 208 student affairs, supervision of plans for financing fraternity and sorority houses, 532 unemployment and relief, gift, 72 payment from bank, 481 recommendations, admission of high school graduates with superior scholarship records, 48 art education, curriculum, 204 chemistry and chemical engineering, admission requirements, 163 Division of Language and Literature, 162 Division of Social Sciences, 161 graduation requirements, Fine and Applied Arts, 48 Journalism, 163 Library School, 490 Medicine, 48 painting, curriculum, 205 statutes, 575 library committee, 581 Senear^ F. E., appointment, 335, 73a
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