UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 1004]

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Kussell, F. A., appointment, 295, 688 director of Athletic Association, 432, 789 Kussell, Helen L., degree, 238 Kussell, Mrs. Lucile B., appointment, 316 declination, 416 Russell, _ S. S., appointment, 64 Rutelonis, Josephine M., degree, 246 Rutgard, J., degree, 911 Ruth, W. A., appointment, 318, 712 Ruther, E. E., degree, 899 Rutherford, E, G., appointment, 426 degree, 241 Rutherford, Helen C., degree, 904 Ruttenberg, S., degree, 912 Rutz, Gladine S., degree, 903 Ruud, R. A., degree, 899 Ryan, Agnes M., degree, 895 Ryan, D. G., appointment, 302, 695 Ryan, Dorothy M., degree, 905 Ryan, Eileen P., degree, 889 fellowship, 771 scholarship, 197 Ryan, H. D., degree, 247 Ryan, H. O., Jr., degree, 253 Ryan, J. G., degree, 240 Ryan, Mrs. Mary L., appointment, 317, 7:1, 750 retirement, 754 Ryan, W. P., degree, 250 Ryden, L. L.f appointment, 64, 124, 286, 678, Ryder, A. W-, degree, 242 Ryerson, J. T., & Son, steel purchased, 457 Ryniker, Ellen L., appointment, 16, 281, 673 Saber, Grand Army Memorial, gift, 82 Sabin, C. B., degree, 238 Sabin, L. E., degree, 889 Sabin, Mary, appointment, 141 Sabo, J. P., Jr., degree, 53 Sachs, M., certificate, 254 Sachs research fund, gift, 132 Saddoris, Bess, appointment, 141 degree, 437 Sader, M., degree, 904 Safes, Registrar's Office, purchase, 171 Sahara Coal Co., bid, 51, 408 Sahlstrom, E. C., appointment, 467 Saikley, A., degree, 895 Saint-Gaudens, H., contract, 518 St. Germain, Mary E., degree, 250 Salamie, N. S., degree, 255 Salaries, budget, 267, 274, 659, 666 unused balances, lapsed, 508 transfer, 531, 556, 612 minimum, professor, 269 restoration, recommendation, 174 resolution, 193 State appropriation, 265 statutes, 583, 584, 586 Salberg, S., certificate, 254 Sales and services, estimated income, 270, 662 Saline Branch Drainage District, appropriation, 179 assessment, 95 balance reappropriated, 208 Salins, A. A., degree, 895 Salisbury, F. W., degree, 238 Salladay, Esther M., appointment, 75, 313 Saltiel, T. P., appointment, 376, 761 Saltzman, Lillian A., degree, 414 Salveson, Stella M., degree, 436 Sammon, M. I., certificate, 790 Sample, J. H., appointment, 551, 921 Samuel, V. M., degree, 888 Samuell, Rose P., degree, 54 Samuelson, L. R., degree, 244 Sand, C. A., appointment, 200, 340, 737 resignation, 914 Sandberg, D. A., degree, 244 Sanders, J. H., degree, 238 Sanders, M. D., degree, 545



Sanders, Z., degree, 253 Sanderson, E. t G., degree, 136 Sanderson, Elizabeth M-, degree, 251 Sandford, W. P.. resignation, 50 Sandin, E. V., appointment, 288, 680 sick leave, 514, 536 Sandoe, C. J., present at meeting, 94 Sandor, A., contract for instruction of, 29, Si8 Sandretto, M. J., degree, 896 Sandry, Dolores C., degree, 247 Sandwell, M., appointment, 352, 749 Sandy, G. H., appointment, 43, 347, 745 Sanford, Becky M., appointment, 467, 746 Sanford, C. W., appointment, 109, 298, 560, 691 Sanford, Martha L., degree, 908 Sangamo Electric Company, gift, 493 Sangamon Coal Co., bid, 51 Sanitary District of Chicago, bonds purchased, 478, 634 Santoro, S., degree, 904 Saphir, O., appointment, 375, 760 Saposnik, I., degree, 254 Saposnik, J. I., degree, 911 Sapp, R. W., appointment, 64, 124 degree, 233 Sappenfield, M. M., degree, 134 Sargeant, Patricia, degree, 238 Sargent, E. H., and Company, purchases, apparatus, 28 chemicals, 28, 457, 539 glassware, 171 spectrograph, 27 Sargent, H. W., scholarship, 771 Sarli, G. S., degree, 241 Sarma, P. J-, appointment, 377, 762 Sartin, M. M., certificate, 790 Satterfield, P. M., contract for instruction of, 52, 458 degree, 136 Sauer, E. L., appointment, IOZ, 311, 320, 704, 714 degree, 36 Sauer, F. E., degree, 253 Saunders, Mrs. Alta G., appointment, 287. 295, 679, 688 Savage, Miriam J., degree, 89s Savage, T. E., appointment, 288, 681 Savage, Virginia M., degree, 249 Saville, M., degree, 434 Savitt, L.. appointment, 772 Sawyer, A. L., appointment, 336, 734 Sawyer, J. P . , degree, 238 Sawyer, L. E., appointment, 43, 321 declination, 416 Sawyer, P. W., certificate, 910 Sayre, C. R., degree, 437 Sbar, Hattie, degree, 247 Scaife, R. R-, degree, 898 Scala, Viola I., degree, 247 Scale house, appropriation, 358 bids, 784 authorization, 613 budgeted costs, 784 Scale studies, budget, 300 Scales, chemical and assay, gift, 461 Scanlan, C. J., degree, 232 Scanlan, Mary M., appointment, 346, 743 Scanlin, S. F. s degree, 898, 907 Scanlon, Winifred C, degree, 238 Scannell, Margaret M., degree, 909 Schaad, J. A., appointment, 43, 286 degree, 887 Schaar and Company, purchases, apparatus, 28 chemicals, 539 glassware, 457 Schacht, F. W., appointment, 101, 377, 76.1 Schacht, J. H., appointment, 921 degree, 238 Schachtman, M. R., degree, 241 Schaede, F. W., appointment, 284, 676