UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 1003]

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Rothenberg, H. J., degree, 909 Rothenburger, Ruth M., appointment, 349, 746 Rothschild, R. R., degree, 253 Rothwell, Grace A., degree, 904 Rounds-Truman Co., bid, 97 Rourke, Margaret E., degree, 36 Rouse, J. E., degree, 245 Rovelstad, H., degree, 895 Rovelstad, L. M., bid, 409 Row, C. F., degree, 384 Rowan, R., Jr., appointment, 677 Rowe, C. E., degree, 240 Rowe, C. G., appointment, 292, 685 declination, 913 degree, 888 Rowe, Catherine C, degree, 895 Rowe, Mary J., declination, 773 scholarship, 639 Rowland, Elizabeth L., degree, 247 Roy. M. F., appointment, 124, 285 fellowship, 640 Roy, N. H., appointment, 306, 699 leave of absence, 78 Rozendal, Hendrine, degree, 890 resignation, 384 Rozin, Florence L., degree, 903 Rubenstein, H., degree, 895 Ruberg, Leone A., appointment, 286 degree, 53 Ruberoid Company, bid, 5T7 Rubert, S. R., appointment, T24, 762 Rubin, Anna C, degree, 238 Rubin, H. E., certificate, 910 Rubin, H. H., degree, 900 Rubin, L. C, degree, 897 Rubin, R. R., degree, 911 Ruby, J. C, appointment, 109, 329 leave of absence, 631 resignation, 631 Ruby, Rebecca F., degree, 908 Ruch, F. L., appointment, 292, 563, 684 resignation, 914 Rucker, H. J., appointment, 299, 692 Rucker, Mary E., degree, 896 Rucker, R. G., degree, 241 Ruckman, Kathleen M., appointment, 75, 347, 745 Ruddy, Peggy, degree, 896 Rudolph, A. H-, appointment, 374, 759 Rudy, Elizabeth J., degree, 902 Rue, Emily J., degree, 895 Rueckert, F. C, degree, 437 Ruegger, J. M., degree, 899 Ruehe, H. A., appointment, 315, 709 patent, making butter, 122 sick leave, 788 Rueter, D. H., degree, 911 Ruff, H. T., degree, 241 Ruggieri, C. R., degree, 547 Ruhnow, E. W., degree, 243 Rumble, A, W., degree, 249 RumbJe, H., appointment, 141 Rumsey, Mary B., appointment, 290 Rund, Mrs. Thelma I., appointment, 316, 710 Runkel, Elizabeth M., degree, 239 Runyon, W. M., degree, 235 Rural rehabilitation program, Federal, responsibility, Mumford, H. W., 361 Rural Sociology, budget, revision, 397 salary, 319, 321, 714, 717, 720 funds, research, 404 Rush, H. B,, degree, 899 Rushakoff, O., degree, 909 Rusk, Elizabeth, appointment, 573 Rusk, H. P., appointment, 314, 707 steers, purchase, 28 Rusk, Martha H., degree, 238 Rusk, W. D., degree, 245 Ruskamp, Mary E., degree, 239 Ruskamp, W. H., Jr., degree, 242 Russell, A., appointment, 16

Roney, H. B., appointment, 155, 293, 563 Roney, J. K., degree, 904 Roofing and Insulation Supply Company, shingles purchased, 10 Roofing tile, purchase, 28 Rooney, E. J., appointment, 374* 759 Roos, F. J., appointment, 337, 760 degree, 35 Roos, F. W., degTee, 899 Roosa, W. L., appointment, 328, 72S> 772 Rooth, S. S., certificate, 254 Ropa, W. A., degree, 241 Roper, Florence L., degree, 904 Roper, Margaret, appointment, 141 cancellation, 384 Ropiequet, A. C., degree, 136 Rosaaen, A. W., appointment, 350 degree, 233 resignation, 416 Rosaldo-Hernandez, R. I., degree, 895 Rosander, B. T., degree, 238 Rosborough, J. B., degree, 242 Rosborough, J. R., degree, 250 Rose, G., degree, 34 Rose Harriett, appointment, 68, 142, 426, 573 Rose, M. D., appointment, 706 continuation in service, 360 retirement, 754 Rose, M. J., appointment, 375, 760 Rose, W. C, appointment, 285, 559. 676 research, gift, 216, 636 Rose, W. W., degree, 54 Rosebrook, D. E., degree, 906 Roselawn Cemetery, Conn, W. S., deed, 519 exchange of lots, 185 Kinley, D., care of lots, 185 sale of lots, 638, 659 Roselawn Cemetery Association, agreement, 185, 224 Roseman, L. L., degree, 240 Rosen, A. M., degree, 255 Rosen, B. B., certificate, 438 Rosen, I. I., certificate, 254 Rosen, Isabelle S., degree, 906 Rosen, K. B., degree, 912 Rosen, R. E., certificate, 58 degree, 522 Rosenberg, J., certificate, 254 Rosenberg, Mildred, appointment, 339. 736 Rosenberg, S. W., certificate, 254 Rosenberg, W., degree, 253 Rosenblatt, A. H., degree, 253 Rosenblatt, D. E., degree, 255 Rosenbloom, D., degree, 384 Rosenblum, P., appointment, 376, 761 Rosenblum, S. H., appointment, 759 Rosenbush, T. J., degree, 911 Rosenstiel, H. C, degree, 384 Rosenthal, I. H., certificate, 254 Rosenthal, M. M., degree, 909 Rosenthal, S. R., appointment, 200, 376, 761 Ross, Betty, degree, 57 Ross, D. W., degree, 244 Ross, P. W., appointment, 85, 377 cancellation, 482 Ross, Richard C, degree, 138 Ross, Robert C, appointment, 311, 704 Ross, S., appointment, 921 Ross, V. A., appointment, 331 death benefit, 456 Ross, W. E.r appointment, 426, 677 Rossiter, L, J., appointment, 337, 341, 734, 738 degree, 436 Rossroan, H. C, J r . , degree, 895 Rost, Mary A., degree, 247 Rost, S. F., degree, 899 Roth, D. I., degree, 238 Roth, J. B„ degree, 384 Roth, M. M., degree, 255 Roth, R., contract for instruction of, 10, 458 Roth, W. T., degree, 242