UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 665]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Counsel, Legal, cont'dcontract with Department of Public Welfare, approval, 566 establishment of office, 367 letter on attorney's fees, 604 letter on protection of securities, 569 report on Athletic Association, 475 resolutions on local improvements, 486 Countryman, G. L., certificate, 267 Courtright, B., degree, 162 Coutrakon, G. P., degree, 253 Cover, V. IX, appointment, 452 Covey, N. M., appointment, 557 Cowan, T. M., gift, 99 Cowan, M., degree, 254 Cox, B. A., commission, 259 degree, 259 Cox, C. B., C.P.A. certificate, 241 141 Cox, D. E., degree, 620 Cox, E. H., certificate, 267 Cox, E. N-, degree, 91 Cox, G. G., degree, 256 Cox, H. W., degree, 250 Cox, M. L., degree, 614 Cox, M. S., degree, 256 Cox, W . T., appointment, 404 Cowgill.L., degree, 624 Coyle, E. C , Jr., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Coyne, A. I)., degree, 266 C.P.A. certificates, awarded, 24, 141, 151, 386, 525 non-graduates, 493 Craft, 0. Cv commission, 260 Craftsmanship awards, Medical and Dental Laboratories, 132 Craggs, W-, degree, 246 Craig, C. C., degree, 7 Craig, E. M., degree, 249 Craig, F. B., appointment, 356 Craig, H. A. degree, 253 Craig, H. W., Jr., appointments, 80, 352 degree, 471 Crain, E. E., degree, 630 Craine, M. K., degree, 161 Cramer, R. E., appointment, 404 Crammond, J. E., degree, 618 Crandell, J. S., appointment, 324 Crane, F. H., appointment, 334 Crane, H. S-, degree, 242 Crane, M., degree, 640 Cranston, B. H., degree, 450 Cranston, J. E., degree, 262 Crathome, A. R., appointments, 313, 549 degree, 614 Craven, G., straw purchased from, 439 Crawford,J.,O.,W.,599degree,purchase, 439 proCreamery,MCounty,supplies, 629 field,of, CrawfordC.Q.570degree,First242642296 Bank, Crerar D. agreement,619 77 614369 Creath,H. R.218degrees, 640 agreement,disconCreditors'justice,commission,National 311 Crickmay, C.degree,experiment 312 60S Criminology,V.,degree, 253, 606, 608 Crile, Library,Jr.,appointment, 123, Crews, R. T, W-,authorized, institute Cress, H. N.anddegree,266 628 336 Crocker, fund, degree, Crippin, L. D.. appointment, Criminal N.,E., creditors' 126 Cribb, H. V.,J.,, gifts, 129, 504 equipmentI., R., study of, tinued,C. H., ballistics, Champaign, appointments, reconveyed, degree, posed, J. A., appointment, C degree, W„,


Croft, M . S., degree, 7 Cromwell, J. A., degree, 256 Cronin, J. E., degree, 268 Cronk, C. B., degree, 640 Cronquist, E. O. A., degree, 251 Crop production, effect of potash on, expendable gift fund, 332 Crop Protection Institute, agreement, 423 restored, 26 contract, 462 canceled, 138 Crops, effect of nitrate of soda on, 27 Crosley, R., appointment, 80 Cross, H., appointment, 324 Cross, J. M., degrees, 472, 633 Crossman, R. S., appointment, 325 Crouch, M., degree, 242 Crouse, F. C , degree, 256 Crow, F. G., degree, 242 Crowe, R. H., degree, 621 Crowley, M , A., degree, 626 Crudim, M . B., appointments, 8, 368 Crull, H. E., degree, 261 fellowships, 213, 587 Crum, R. M., appointment, 507 Crume, R. L-, degree, 527 Crumpacker, G. F., degree, 631 Crunican, R. M., degree, 473 Crystal, H. H., degree, 640 Crystal, H. M., degree, 638 Culbertson, H. and A., contract, 440 Culbertson, J. A., appointment, 311 degree, 632 Culbertson, R. F., degree, 242 Culler, E. A., appointment, 314 Culp, M. M., degree, 251 scholarship, 213 Culver, J. L., degree, 626 Cuming, S. E., degree, 624 Cundy, P. F-, degree, 527 Cunningham, C , degree, 95 Cunningham, F., appointment, 295 sick leave, 280 Cunningham,. H. E-, action on Aledo rightof-way approved, 59 appointments, 295, 298 delegation of signature, 182, 540 Secretary of Board, 182, 540 Cunningham, M.( appointment, 359 Cunningham. W . L., degree, 268 Curbs on campus drives, contract, 172 Curran, R. E., degree, 621 Curricula, art and design, 208 athletic coaching, 127 painting, 273 Dacanay,E.Chimneydegree, 617 242contract, 354 Curtis, WA.T.shellsdegree, 323, 170, contract, Curtin,forE.M.,degree,columns,614 318 Currie,j..W.,P., degree,419614319259fund, 69 Curtiss,C. J.G.,degree,140246 330 Curry, WR.concerning, degree, Co., Curzon,J.. R.,126, P., 121 253 622 Cutaneous Cpathology, expendable CustodisJ. A.,O.,degrees, Cusic, V. 250O.,gift, 447 251* Cylindrical B-,Wdegree, 633 Czaja, T. E., appointments, Cutright,E.research,degree, Cuthbertson,, gift 307 268 Dacanay, S., . fund,640 Czerwin,B. J., Jr., as 256 statutes R-, appointment, pharmacy,J., Jr.,Conduction degree, R., commission, expendable gift 210 92