UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 647]

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Aftbye, W . R., degree, 618 Aaron, N., degree, 247 Aaronson, A. L,, appointments, 123, 489 degree, 270 Abbas, R. H., appointments, 79, 315 degree, 77 Abbott, Mrs. A. N., offer of forestry tract, declined. 570 Abbott, D. C , degree, 245 Abbott, O. L., degree, 379 Abbott, W . L., letter transmitting proposal on patents. 477 offer of land, declined, 106 Abel, A, E., Jr., commission, 259 degrees, 250, 634 Abraham, N. A., degree, 250 Abrahamson, C. M., degree, 622 Abramo, L., degree, 94 Abramo, V. T., degree, 530 Abrams, I. R., degree, 7 Academic freedom, statute governing, 593 Acanthocephala, fund for monograph, 504 Accident compensation, report, 47 Accountancy, Board of ExamineTs, appointments, Ashman, L., 279 McGuinn, E. B., 605 Templeton, S. J., 2 committee, fund, 365 report, 140 C. P. A. certificates awarded, 24, 141, 151, 386, £25 Achelpohl, IX W., appointment, 300 degree, 631 Achelpohl, J. M., degree, 619 Acids, General Chemical Storeroom, contract, 189 Acker, P. E., degree, 256 Ackerman, J., appointments, 61, 62 Ackermann, H. A., degree, 623 Ackman, H. H., degree, 250 Acoustical correction, Band Building, appropriation, 476 University buildings, contract, 192 Acoustical Engineering Corporation, contract, 192 Activities, away from the University, survey requested, 469 student. Senate committee on, 422 645 Adair, W . W-, commission, 259 degree, 252 Adam, F. O,, appointment, 315 Adam, M., degree, 164 Adams. E. L., Jr., degree, 632 fellowship, 587 Adams, E. M., degTee, 245 Adams, G. R.F. degree, 2$$ Addison,one,M.,S., degree,252 634 363 Adder/ey,P.V.R.,Robert,degree, 2478,169, 316 Adcock, WM618F.,degree,degree,642 A degree,G..N.,Ralph, 630307 316 Adams, JohnC.,degree, 470 619 Adamson,. L., degree, 246 Adams, L. D., degrees,93640 Warns! J. B., appointment, H. F., degree, 252 M. A,, B., appointments, R., M., commission, I* K., appointments, K. F., appointment,250, M., 256 251 629 Aden, C, F., appointment, 299 Ader, Z. A., degree, 241 Ades, A. H., degree, 241 Adjourned sessions, minutes, February 6, T 1931. 173 June 26, 1931, 279 February 6, 1932, 512 February 10, 1932* 533 Adjustments in budget, 59, 90, 118, 137 Adler, S., degree, 631 fellowship, 587 scholarship, 213 Adler, S, F., degree, 253 Adlerblum, M.f degree, 247 Administrative officers, statutes concerning, ^18-22 Administrative organization of University, budget, 294 study, 211 Admission requirements, Dentistry, 207 deferred, 609 Engineering, 171 high-school graduates with superior scholarship records, 605 Fine and Applied Arts, 493 Journalism, 493 Medicine, 206 Physical Education, 609 statute concerning, 418 Aeration of sewage, research, agreement, 120 contract, 98 expendable gift fund, 323, 330 Affiliated student activities, standing committees, i93r-32» 195 1932-33, 541 Afremow, M . L., appointments, 109, 368 degree, 7 Agreements, aeration of sewage, 98, 120 allergy, 32 amino acids, 442, 596 animal hearing, 388 antiseptic properties of skin, 189 bacteria in canned meat products, 26, 462 biaxial stresses, 32 blood albumen in spray materials, 46 boiler furnace refractories, 26 boiler waters, solubility of, 152, 188, 516 brake shoes, railway, 187, 323, 330, 373, 577 cable testing methods, 187. 515 earotene, effect on rats, 220 cast-iron pipe, 08, 469, 516 chaulmoogra oil, 37*. 469 chemical reactions 01 methane gas, 220, 373 clay pipinginwalls,188,rock,188,effect515515577 heater, gas,26,190,i5*>columns,187 373, hearing milk,pipe,chimneys, 3, 515 188, flue gas, sewerbuilding,i43»of161 151188, 469 fungicides,arches,terminated, 611 69 on coal,high-pressure,asreactions, 3, combustionphosphatecorrosion, 187, flues, gas botulinum, 469 cylindrical shellsbrake516136, copper inrailway 51638S3, gas, 441, Closterium animals,rails,shoes, 515 friction, corrosion, fluidtreatment, fissures heater, 611 fertilizer, 469, 596423 concrete, and 138, 151 504. columns, 441 bridge products masonTy steel reinforced, deposits,