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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

38 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. The Agricultural Experiment Station, established as a department of the University, exhibits field experiments in testing the different varieties and modes of culture of field crops, and in the comparison and treatment of soils. It carries on experiments in agriculture, horticulture, dairying and in feeding animals of different ages and development upon the various kinds of food. In common with similar departments in the several agricultural colleges of the country, it attempts to create positive knowledge towards the development of an agricultural science. A dairy house, fitted with a.cream separator, apparatus for deep and shallow setting of milk, churns, etc., is used in illustration of dairy processes. Surveying and drainage are illustrated by field practice, with instruments, and by models. Agricultural chemistry is pursued, in connection with laboratory practice, in the analysis of soils, fertilizers, foods, etc. The College has fine collections of soils, seeds, plants, implements, models, and skeletons of domestic animals, charts, and other apparatus, including a large number of models of agricultural machinery. Upon the grounds devoted to the use of the college are: An apple orchard, containing numerous varieties, planted in 1869; also many varieties of pears, cherries, grapes, and small fruits; a forest tree plantation, embracing the most useful kinds of timber; an arboretum, in which all hardy, indigenous, and exotic trees are planted as fast as they can be secured, and which now contains nearly one hundred varieties. The ornamental grounds which surround the University buildings contain about twenty acres, and are kept in neat and attractive style. These, with all the adjuncts of trees and flowering shrubs, lawns, beds of flowers and foliage plants, walks of different materials and styles of laying out, give illustration to the class room work in landscape gardening. A greenhouse contains a collection of plants of great value for the classes in floriculture and landscape gardening, besides furnishing students with practice in greenhouse management. The extensive fruit plantations of the Agricultural Experiment Station give abundant opportunity for studies and illustrations in many horticultural lines, and add greatly to the effectiveness of class room work. The cabinet contains a series of colored plaster casts of fruits prepared at the University; models of fruits and flowers by Auzoux, of Paris; collections of seeds of native and exotic plants, of specimens of native and foreign woods, of beneficial and injurious insects, and of specimens showing their work; numerous dry and alcoholic specimens and preparations; maps, charts, diagrams, drawings, etc. The College has a supply of compound microscopes and apparatus, and students have opportunity to learn their use, and to make practical
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