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Caption: Course Catalog - 1892-1893 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

COLLEGE OF LITERATURE. Iig 6. Experimental Psychology.—This course is made up of lectures and laboratory work with assigned reading. Experiments are made illustrating the time measurements of mental phenomena, the influence of the body upon the mind, and of the mind upon the body, and the psychical elements in sensations. Also an extended investigation into dreams, and allied phenomena. A psychological laboratory is projected, and considerable apparatus already purchased and set up in working order. Winter term, full study. Assistant Professor KROHN. Required: Philosophy, i. PEDAGOGY. 1. Educational Psychology.—In this course application is made to educational methods of the conclusions gained from the study of general psychology. A study is made of the child's mind, with especial reference to its content on entering school, and it is sought to discover the laws and principles according to which it unfolds and develops. An examination of the influences of each of the various studies upon mental growth is made. The methods of making practical school tests, by means of which the mental growth of school children is determined, are explained and illustrated. Original work is encouraged. This course is especially adapted to teachers, and is of value in that it enables one to frame, upon a rational basis, the curriculum of study. Sully's Teachers' Hand-book of Psychology, and Lectures. Fall term, full study. Assistant Professor KROHN. 2. School Hygiene.—The aim of this course is entirely practical. The endeavor is to enlighten those taking the course upon the best methods to be pursued with reference to the following points pertaining to school buildings: location, soil, elevation, and surroundings; form of structure, ventilation, heating, lighting, plumbing; equipment, especially furniture; play grounds and apparatus for physical exercise. The course will be illustrated with views of school buildings that are more or less perfect in their hygienic arrangements and visits to school houses will be made from time to time. Lectures and assigned reading. Winter term, full study. Assistant Professor KROHN. 3. Philosophy of Education.—In this course portions of Bain's Education as a Science, Spencer's Education, and Rosencranz's Philosophy of Education will be used as a basis supplemented with lectures. Spring Term, Half Study. Assistant Professor KROHN.
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