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Caption: Course Catalog - 1876-1877 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

58 Illinois Industrial University. SECOND YEAR. 1. 2. 3. Satires of Horace ; Thucydides or German ; Physiology. Terence ; Sophocles or German ; Zoology. Tacitus ; Demosthenes or German ; Astronomy. THIKD YEAR, 1. Juvenal or French ; Chemistry ; Ancient History. 2. Quintilian or French ; Physics ; Mediseval History. 3. De Offlciis or French ; Physics ; Modern History. FOURTH YEAR. 1. History of Civilization ; Mental Science ; Geology. 2. Constitutional History; Meteorology and Physical Geography ; Logic. 3. ./Esthetics ; Didactics or Plato ; Political Economy ; Oration or Thesis. ABBXTIONAI* SCHOOLS. NOT INCLUDED IN TEE FOUR COLLEGES. SCHOOL OF MILITARY SCIENCE. By the law of Congress and of the State, the University is required to teach Military Tactics to its male students. All able-bodied male students of the College classes are enrolled in the companies of the University Battalion, and receive instruction according to the following programme, the exercises occupying one or two hours each week (see figures in programme). The University Battalion is now ranked by the State authorities as the Sixth Regiment of Illinois State Guards. PROGRAMME. FIRST YEAR.—Fall Term— School of Soldier, Manual of Arms, 2. Winter Term —School of Company, Firings, etc., 2. Spring Term—School of Battalion, 2. SECOND YEAR.— Fall Term — Reviews of Company and Battalion Drill, 2. Winter Term — Bugle Calls and Skirmish Drill, 1. Spring Term—Skirmish Drill, and Battalion Evolutions, 2. THIRD YEAR.— Fall Term—Review, Picket Duty, 1. Winter Term — Guard and Picket Duties, 1. Spring Term — Skirmish and Battalion Evolutions, t to 2. FOURTH YEAR.—Fall Term—Reviews, Bayonet Fencing, 1. Winter Term— Bayonet Fencing, 1. Spring Term — Battalion Evolutions, Target Practice, 1 to 2. CLASS IN MILITARY SCIENCE. A special class is taught in Military Science and Art, as far as is requisite for officers of the line. From the members of this class are selected the officers of the several companies, for which they act as drill sergeants and instructors in tactics. No student is eligible to the military class till he has reached the winter term of the second or Sophomore year, and is in good standing in all his studies. The course of instruction is confined strictly to two
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