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Caption: Course Catalog - 1876-1877 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

52 Illinois Industrial University. specimens in the cabinet of the University. Local collections and exchanges have further increased this number, amounting now to about three thousand species. The University now has first-class microscopes of four different styles from European makers, one by a promihent American maker, and others of which the glasses were made to order in Europe, and the stands, a new pattern, manufactured in the shops of the University. These latter have a firm iron base with joint for inclining, coarse adjustment by rack and pinion (Jackson model), fine adjustment attached to stage, glass sliding stage and wide range of power. In Zoology the Cabinets contain: a human skeleton, purchased in Paris, and a manikin made by Dr. Auzoux; skeletons of the different orders of mammals, and of birds; stuffed preparations of a large number of birds, mammals, fishes, reptiles, etc., a dissected horse's leg and hoof, a dissected eye, trachea and vocal apparatus, in papiermache, by Dr. Auzoux; collections of shells, fossils, and insects. The Geological Cabinet has been immensely improved the past year. In addition to the specimens from the State Geologicul Survey and other illustrative specimens, mineral and fossil, the cabinet has been the recipient of Prof. Ward's celebrated college series of famous fossils, so essential in elucidating the various phases of life in Geological History. This set was the munificent donation of Emory Cobb, Esq., President of the Board of Trustees. A valuable and extensive collection of the leads of the State, and accompanying mineral, was donated by Gen. J. C. Smith and other gentlemen, of Galena. C O U R S E I N SCHOOL OF N A T U R A L FIRST YEAR. HISTOEY. 1. Botany ; Chemistry ; Free Hand Drawing. 2. Botany ; Chemistry ; Free Hand Drawing. 3. Vegetable Physiology ; Chemistry ; Rhetoric. SECOND YEAR. 1. Advanced Anatomy and Physiology ; General Horticulture ; German. 2. Zoology ; German ; Modeling. 3. Zoology ; German ; Economic Entomology. THIRD YEAR. 1. Mineralogy ; German ; Ancient History. 2. Geology ; German ; Physics. 3. Geology ; Physics; Modern History. FOURTH YEAR. 1. Geology ; History of Civilization ; Mental Science. 2. Meteorology and Physical Geography ; Constitutional History ; Microscopy and Fungology. 3. Political Economy ; Logic ; Laboratory Work and Thesis.
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