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Caption: Course Catalog - 1872-1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
TABLE OF CONTENTS. Admission 22 Agriculture 43 Agriculture, College of. 24 Agriculture, School of. 24 Aims of the University 20 Appropriations, State 23 Architecture, School of 36 Astronomy 48 Boarding, Gentlemen's '.. 49 Boarding, Ladies' 49 Buildings and Grounds 16 Calendar 51 Certificates and Diplomas 49 Chemistry 44 Chemistry, School of 37 Civil Engineering, School of 33 Commerce, School of 42 Courses of Study 53 Departments of Study 43 Domestic Science & Art, S. of... 42 Dormitories 49 Dormitory Building 60 Drawing 48 Drill Hall ' 17 Engineering, College of 27 English 45 Errata 2 Examinations 49 Expenses '.. 5 2 Faculty 5 Freedom in Choice of Studies... 21 French . " 46 German 46 Greek \ 46 History 46 History of the University... 15 Horticulture 43 Horticulture, School of... 26 Index 2 Instructors and Assistants 5 Labor 50 Latin 46 Library 20 Literature & Science, College of 39 Location of the University 16 Logic 47 Map of University Grounds 59 Mathematics 47 Mechanical Engineering, S of... 29 Military Science, School of 41 Mining Engineering, School of.. 32 Miscellany 49 Music ' 4S Natural History.... 45 Natural History, School of 38 Natural Science, College of 37 Periodicals in the Library 51 Philosophy 47 Physics 48 Property and Funds 19 Schools & Colleges of the Univ. 23 Social Science 46 Sotieties,Students' Organizations 50 Students' Names, Gentlemen 6 Students' Names, Ladies 13 Students, Total Number 14 Superintendents' Certificates 49. Trustees, Board of. 4 University Building, New 15 University Uniforms 51 ERRATA. In Explanations, page 6. for 54 to 58 read 53 to 58. In list of Students : for W. D. Ferguson's address read St. Charles, Mo. ; for F. L. Hatch's grade read 4th year; for J. Muller, Wursenberg, read J. Mueller, Wuertemberg; for W. F. Oliver's address read Ladoga, Ind. ; on page 14, for Woodsville read Woodville, and transpose Janesville, Wis. with Paris, d\%o,for Ellen Louise read Ellen Loise. In Library, page 20, for about 10,000, read 8,600. The statements of Admission to the Colleges of Engineering, and Literature and Science, pages 27 and 39, should include all of Plane Geometry. In par. 5, page 40, for eighteen thousand read eight thousand six hundred. On page 29, last line but 12, and on page ^^, last but 3, for 48 read 47.
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