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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

10 Tubular and Arch Bridges, and of Retaining Walls and Frames. Plans, Elevations and Sections of Engineering Constructions. Second Term.—Supply and Distribution of Water, Distribution of Gas, Drainage. Theory of Machines, Plans, Elevations and Sections of Engineering Constructions. Machine Drawing. Third Term.—Practical Astronomy and Geodesic Surveying. Designs and Reviews of Special Machines, and Engineering Constructions. Discussion of Scientific Subjects. General Field Work. The first year of the above course corresponds with the second year of the Mathematical course. DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. The studies of this department will extend through three years. The instruction will be given by text books and lectures, with exercises in Composition, Essays, Forensics, Presentation and Criticism of plans. Declamations throughout the course. FIRST YEAH.—First Term.—Advanced Grammar, and the Grammatical analysis of authors, etc. Second Term.—Principles of Punctuation, Use of Capitals, etc., English Composition. Third Term.—Grammatical and philological analysis of Milton and other authors, with History of their times and contemporaries. SECOND YEAE.—First Term.—Grammatical and Philological analysis of Shakspeare and earlier Dramatists, History of the times and Contemporaries of Shakspeare. Second Term.—Grammatical and Philological analysis of Chaucer and Spenser, and History of their times, etc. Third Term.—History of English Literature. THIBD YEAS.--First Term.—History of English and American Literature of the 19th century. Seeond Term.—Rhetoric—Invention—Plans for Essays, etc. Third Term.—Elements of Criticism—Methods of Philological study, etc. DEPARTMENT OF THE FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. The course of instruction in French will extend through three years, but students who desire to pursue the language only far enough to enable them to read the scientific works which they may find it necessary to consult, are expected to acquire sufficient for this in a single year. The reading room will be supplied with French agricultural and scientific jaurnals, which will be used in instruction as soon as the advancement of the student allows. FIRST YEAE.—Robertson's Grammar, French Periodicals, McGill's French Reader. SECOND YEAR.—Telemaque, Charles XII, and modern French Authors, Arnoult's French Grammar. THIED YEAE.—Classic and modern French authors, De Vere's Advanced French Grammar for reference, History of French Literature.
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