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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

SECOND YEAR. —First Term,—Principles of Zoology—developement, Btrucfcure, classification and distribution of animals. Second f Term.—Systematic Zoology in lectures : 1st, natural orders, families, etc. ; 2d, Embryology and peculiar modes of reproduction ; alternate generation ; Comparative Anatomy as applied to clasification. Collection and preservation of specimens, and Natural History of domestic animals. Third, Term.—Entomology ; classification of insects ; habits of those injurious to vegetation, with means of checking their ravages. Habits of beneficial species. THIRD TEAR.—First Term.—Zoology—General Physiology. Comparative Anatomy and Veterinary Surgery. Second Term.—Principles of Geology. Third Term.—Lithological Geology—sources and materials of mineral wealth ; building stones ; mineral veins. Palaeontology. FOURTH YEAR.—First Term.—Historical and Dynamical Geology. Palseontology. Second Term.—Physical Geography and Meteorology. Third Term.—Special Geology of Illinois—Method of conducting surveys. Practical excursions. DEPARTMENT OF PURE MATHEMATICS. The studies of this department extend through three years. Those of the first year belong properly to the preparatory course, and should, when practicable, be completed before entering, by those who wish to take either of the fuller courses in the University. FIRST YEAR.—(Preparatory.)—First Term.-—Geometry. Davies' Legendre. Second Term.—Geometry completed. Third Term.—Algebra, Davies' Bourdon—Chapters VII-IX. SECOND YEAR,—First Term.—Trigonometry. Second Term.—Trigonometry completed ; Analytical Geometry begun. Third Term.—Analytical Geometry completed. THIED YEAE.—First Term.—Higher Algebra. Second Term.—Differential Calculus. T^iird Term.—Integral Calculus. DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. The studies in this department will occupy three years, and the instruction will be as follows : FIRST YEAR.—First Term.—Chain Surveying, Mensuration, Geometrical Drawing. Second Term.—Descriptive Geometry, Geometrical Drawing. Third Term.—Compass and Transit Land Surveying, Elements of Topographical Drawing, Leveling, Plats and Maps of Farm Surveys. SECOND YEAR.—First Term.—Topographical Surveying, Elements of Hydrographical Surveying, Leveling, Maps of Surveys, Free hand DrawingSecond Term.—Mahan's Civil Engineering, Plans, Elevations and Sections of Engineering Constructions. Third Term.— Gillespie's Roads and Railroads, Railroad and Canal Surveying, Plans, Profiles and Sections of Surveys. THIRD YEAR.—First Krai.--Descriptive Geometry applied to Stone Cutting, Analytical Mechanics, Mathematical theory, and results of experiments upon the Strength of Materials, and of the Stability of Girder, Suspension,
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