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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY TACTICS AND ENGINEERING. FIRST YEAR.—First Term.—Infantry Tactics—Schools of the Soldier and Company; Squad and Company Drills. Reports and Returns required from Company Commandants. Second Term.—Infantry Tactics—School of the Battalion. Instruction for Skirmishers. Reports and Returns required from Battalion Commandants. Bayonet Fencing. Third Term.—Infantry Tactics —Evolutions of a Brigade. Reports and Returns required from Brigade Commandants. Skirmish and Battalion Drills. Guard-mountings, Inspections, Escorts, Funeral Honors. Related Studies.—Geometry. Algebra. French or German. Optional.—Natural Philosophy. English Language.^ SECOND YEAR.—First Term.—Artillery Tactics in the different Schools. Artillery Drill. Reports and Returns required from Artillery Officers. Second Term.—Cavalry Tactics in the different Schools. Reports and Returns required from Cavalry Officers. Sword Fencing. Third Term.—Evolutions of a Division, and of a Corps, in the different Arms. Reports and Returns required from Division and Corps Commandants. Forms for Parade and Review of a Division and of a Corps. The Essential Principles of Strategy and Grand Tactics. Advanced Guard, Outpost and Detachment Service of Troops. History of the most remarkable Epochs in the Military Art. Military Drill. Belated Studies.—Trigonometry. Analytical Geometry. French or German. Geometrical and Topographical Drawing. Optional.—Mensuration. Land Surveying. Descriptive Geometry. THIHD YEAR.—First Term.—Field Fortifications. Descriptive Geometry as applied to Drawing Fortifications. Plans, Profiles and Sections of proposed Works. Military Surveying. Military Drill. Second Term.—Duane's or Mahan's Manual for Engineer Troops, consisting of Pontoon Drill, Practical Operations of a Siege , School of the Sap, Military Mining, Construction of Batteries. Bayonet and Sword Fencing. Third Term.—Jomini's Art of War. Cullum on Military Bridges. Military Drill. Related Studies.—Higher Algebra. Differential and Integral Calculus. French or German. Free-hand Drawing. Optional.—Topographical Surveying. Leveling. Mahan's Civil Engineering. Road Making. FOURTH YEAR.—First Term.—Duties of Staff Officers. Theory of Gunnery, and Results of Experiments. Second Term.—Permanent Fortifications. Plans, Profiles, Sections and Drawings of proposed Works. Sword Fencing. Tltird Term.—Benet's Military Law. Army Regulations. Military Authors Reviewed. Military Drill. Related Studies.—Analytical Mechanics. Acoustics and Optics. Practical Astronomy. Chemistry. Mineralogy. Constitutional and International Law. Optional.—Constitutional History of England and of the United States. History of Civilization. Political Philosophy.
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