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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

THIRD YEAR.—Agricultural Economy.—Relation of agriculture to the other industries and to commerce. The several branches of agriculture. Agricultural book keeping, the farm book, herd book, etc. Belated Studies.—General principles of Geology. Local and agricultural Geology. Theoretical Agriculture. Compass Surveying and Leveling. Plats and Maps of farm surveys. French. FOUBTH TEAR.—Rural Law.—Of tenures and conveyances of land, of highways, of cattle, of fences, of noxious weeds, etc. Veterinary surgery and medicine. Landscape gardening, and laying out of large farming estatesRural architecture and engineering. Foreign agriculture. History and literature of agriculture. Related Studies.—English Literature. Inductive Logic. Animal Physiology. Entomology. Meteorology. Physical Geography. Political Economy. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY AND ASTRONOMY. The studies in this department occupy four years, and will be pursued with the use of text books, combined with lectures, and practical investigations of the several subjects. FIEST YEAR.—First Term.—Natural Philosophy—Properties of Matter, Force, Gravity, Falling Bodies, Pendulum, Motion, Projectiles, Hydrostatics and Hydraulics, etc. Mechanical Drawing. Second Term.—Natural Philosophy—Pneumatics, Barometer, Pumps, Steam Engine, Acoustics, Optics, Electricity, etc. Mechanical Drawing. Third Term.—Mechanics. Drawing. Related Studies.—Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry 3 ; Book keeping 1; English Language 1 ; Chemistry 2. SECOND YEAK.—First Term.—Heat—Steam and its applications. Steam Engine, its theory, construction, history, etc. Air Engines, Drafts of Engines. Second Term.—Electricity, statical and dynamical, Terrestial Magnetism, Construction and use of Telegraph, Theory of Electroplating, etc., Acoustics, Laws of Sound. Third Term.—Optics, Theories of Light, Polarization, Telescopes, Microscopes, Mathematics of, etc. Related Studies.—Higher Algebra and Calculus 3 . Free hand Drawing. German 3 ; Mineralogy 1. THIRD YEAK.—First Term.—Practical Hydraulics—flow of liquids in pipes, pressure, etc. Hydrostatics, Motors, Practical Pneumatics, Friction, etc. Second Term.—Machinery—theory, construction, location, calculation of power, motors. TJiird Term.—Building materials, Strength of Materials, Designs and Estimates for mills, machinery, etc. Related Studies.—Analytical Mechanics 1 ; Geology 2 ; French 3. FOUBTH YEAB.—First Term.—Astronomy—Solar System, Descriptive Astronomy. Second Term.—Stellar System, Meteorology, etc. Third Term.— Practical Astronomy, calculations of eclipses, use of instruments. Related Studies.—Rhetoric and English Language 2; Canstitutional History of England and the United States 1 ; History of Civilization 1; Mental Philosophy 1 ; Political Economy 1.
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