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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

36 Civil Engineering—Sarength of Materials, Bridge Construction, Stability of Arches, Stone Cutting, with graphical problems. Geology—Dana (continued). Third Term.—Mechanics—Mechanics applied to Engineering (Weisbach, Vol. II.), prime Movers. Civil Engineering—Ssone Cutting (continued), Building Materials (lectures), Designs of Structures, Mahan's Civil Engineering. Drawing—Strnctural. B. MECHANICS.—First Term.—Analytical Mechanics, Machinery, Therinonynamics. Drawing—Architectural. Second Term.—Ana.ytical Mechanics (continued), Strength of Materials, Theory and Construction of Steam Engine, Examination and Reports of Machines, Mechanical Practice. Third Term.—Prime Movers, Mill Work, Designs of Machines. JUNIOR YEAR, FIKST TEKM.—Agriculture—Chemistry, Structure, and Physiology of the Plant, Water, Atmosphere and Soil in their relation to Vegetable Production, Improvement of the Soil, Tillage Draining, Amendments and Fertilszers, Lectures. Experimental and Analytical Chemistry—in their Agricultural Applications, Daily Laboratory practice. Zoology—Lectures. French—commenced. German—Woodbury's Method. Meteorolgy—Academical Lectures. SECOND TERM.—Agriculture—Chemistry and Physiology of Domestic Animals, Digestion, Respiratioy, Assimilation and Excretion; Composition, Preparation and Value of the kinds of Fodder; Milk, Butter, Cheese, Flesh and Wool, as Agricultural products, Lectures. Experimental Chemistry—Laboratory Practice. French and German—continued. Physical Geography— Lectures. Zoology—Lectures. THIRD TEBM.—Horticultural and Kitchen Gardening—Propagation, training and culture of Fruit Trees, the Vine, Small Fruits and Vegetables, Lectures, Mineralogy—Lectures and Practical Exercises. Experimental Chemistry—Laboratory Practice. French or German—continued. Drawing—Free Hand Practice. Excursions—Botanical, Zoological, &c. SENIOR CLASS. FTEST TEKM.-—Agriculture—The staple grain, forage, root and fiber crops of the Northern States, their varieties, soils adapted for them, preparation of soil, seeding, cultivation, harvesting, and preparation for market. Lectures. Agricultural Zoology—Origin and Natural History of Domestic Animals, Insects useful and injurious to Vegetation, Lectures. Geology—Dana's Manual. French or German—Selections. Excursions—Agricultural, Zoological, Geological, &c. SECOND TEEM.—Agriculture Raising and Care of Domestic Animals, characteristics and adaption of Breeds, Cattle for Beef and Draught, The Dairy, Sheep for Wool and Mutton, Horses, Swine, pasturing, soiling, stall feeding, Tobacco, Hops, &c. Lectures. Forestry—Preservation, culture and uses of Forests and Forest Trees, Lectures. Human Anatomy and Physiology—Lectures. Agricultural Botany--Weeds and Noxious Plants, Lectures. French or German. THIED TEKM:.—Rural Economy—History of Agriculture and Sketches of Husbandry in Foreign Countries, Adaptation of Farming to soil, climate, market, and other natural and economical conditions, Systems of Husbandry, Stock, Sheep, Grain, and mixed Farming, Lectures. Farm Accounts—Lectures and Practical exercises. Excursions—Agricultural, Geological, Zoological and Botanical. Examinations in the studies of the Course.
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