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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

35 SENIOR CLASS. FIRST TERM.—Logic and Philosophy—Bowen's Logic, Bowen's Political Economy, Forensics. Physics.—Lectures on Optics and Accousties. History. —Constitutional History of the United States. Elective and Extra Studies.—Mathematics.—Pierce's Curves and Functions. Greek.—The Agamenon of Aeschylus, the Antigone of Sophocles, Greek Composition. Latin.—Quintilian, Cicero against Verres, Latin Exercises and Extemporalia. German.—Schiller's Wilhelm Tell, Goethe's Faust, Lectures on German Grammar. Spanish.—Gil Bias, Sale's Grammar. Italian.—Ball' Ongara's La Rosa dell' Alpi, Cuorre's Grammar and Exercises. Modern Literature.—Lectures. Patristic and Modern Greek. Geology.—Lectures. Anatomy.—Lectures. SECOND TERM.—Philosophy.—Hamilton's Metaphyaics, Bowen's Ethics and Metaphysics. History. Modern History. Religious Instruction. Rhetoric. —Themes. Elective and Extra Studies,—Mathematics.—Pierce's Analytic Mechanics. Greek.—Thucydides, Creek Composition. Latin—Lucretius, Latin Exercises and Extemporalia. German.—Goethe's Fause, Otto's German Grammar, Lessing's Emilia Galotti and Laokoon. Spanish.—Calderon's El Principe Constante, Calderon's El Magico Prodigioso. Italian.—Dante.. Zoology.—Lectures. Modern Literature.—Lectures. Patristic and Modern Greek. The Hebrew Language is taught by Professor Noyes to those who desire to learn it. COURSES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING AND MECHANICS, IN SHEFFIELD SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL. JUNIOR YEAR. A. CIVIL ENGINEERING. First Term.—French and German—(see Select Course.) Mathematics—Descriptive Geometry (Church's) Analytical Geometry of Three Dimensions. Surveying—Higher Surveying, Topographical Surveying. Drawing—Topographical. Second Term.—French—(See Select Course). Mathematics—Davies' Shades, Shadows, and Linear Perspective, Differential Calculus. Astronomy. Norton's Astronomy with practical problems. Third Term.—French—(See Select Courses.) Mathematics—Linear Perspective (continued), Isometrical Projection, Differential and Integral Calculus. Drawing—Isometrical and Mechanical. B. MECHANICS.—The same as the course in Civil Engineering, with the omission of Higher Surveying, Topographical Surveying, Topographical Drawing and Astronomy, and the substitution of Mechanics (Peck's Elements), Mechanical Drawing, Metellurgy, and Principals of Mechanics. SENIOR YEAR. A. CIVIL ENGINEERING.—First Term.—French—Selections. Field Engineering and Surveying—Hench's Field Book for Railroad Engineers. Location of Roads, Goedetic Surveying. Mechanics—Peck's Elements, Thermodynamics. Geology—Dana, Drawing—Architectural. Second Term.—Mechanics—Peck's Elements (continued), Application of Calculus to Mechanics, Principles of Mechanism, Theory of Steam Engine.
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