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Caption: Course Catalog - 1868-1869 VERSION A This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

20 object to establish and maintain that high toned, refined, and honorable public sentiment, which is at once the best safeguard against meanness and vice, and a constant inspiration to nobleness and virtue. DONATIONS. In addition to the donations heretofore acknowleged, the officers of the University take pleasure in acknowledging the following: Hon. Lyman Trumbull, Hon. John A. Logan, Hon. S. M. Cullom, congressional documents and speeches. Harper Brothers, Publishers, New York, set of classical text books and histories. D. Appleton & Co., Publishers, New York, several text books. Sheldon & Co., Publishers, New York, several text books. A. S. Barnes & Co., Publishers, New York, 1 set Mathematical and other text books. J. Davis Wilder, Chicago, 8 yards paper black board. J. H. Pickrell, Harristown, 111., 1 large and beautiful colored lithograph of group of Durham cattle. Edgar Sanders, Florist, Chicago, several flower bulbs. A. Blumenschein, Florist, Chicago, collection of green-house plants. T. A. E Holcomb, South Pass, 111., collection of Roses and green-house plants. Hovey & Co., 15 varieties of flowers. W. C. Flagg, barrel of Catalpa seed. Dr. J. A. Warder, 400 Grape cuttings. Messrs. Pettigrew & Reed, 100 Fuchsia cuttings. W. C. Mann, Gilman, 20,000 Hedge plants. H. Michel, St. Louis, 24 Green house and bedding plants, and 6 Dahlias. Samuel Edwards, LaMoille, 10,000 White Pine .seedlings. Northwest Fertilizing Company, 320 lbs. Raw-bone super phosphate. S. M. Haywood & Son, Pana, 2 bushels red Genesee Wheat for seed. M. C. Goltra, Jacksonville, seed Corn. John Burchard, Beloit, Wis., Gates and Castings for self-opening gates. E. M. Potter, Kalamazoo, Mich., Potter's Three-horse Clevis. Collins & Co., Hartford, Conn., per H. H. Taylor, agent Chicago, 1 cast caststeel plow with steel beam. John D. Platt, Warren, 111., 1 Curtis patent Fanning mill. J. H. Halsted, Springfield 111., 1 patent adjustable Harrow.
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