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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 97 After consideration of the arguments presented by Dr. Paul H . Douglas and his associates at the Board Meeting on M a y 23, 1928, in favor of abolishing prescribed military training at the University and also the arguments presented on the other side by the delegates from certain patriotic societies heard at the meeting of June 12, 1928, I reco m m e n d that the University adhere to its present policy with reference to military training. George A. Barr O n motion of Mrs. Evans, this recommendation was accepted and approved. BOOTH-ST. LOUIS B O N D S Mr. Trees, for the Finance Committee, presented a recommendation that the Treasurer and the Comptroller be authorized and directed to dispose of the bonds of the Booth-St. Louis Cold Storage Company, given by the late Senator McKinley, at a price of 95 or better. O n motion of Mr. Trees, this recommendation was adopted. PLANS FOR STADIUM O n motion of Mr. Trees, i was voted that the Board permit and t authorize the Athletic Association to replace the wooden bleachers now at the south end of the Stadium with concrete seats, constructed in accordance with the original design and plans of the entire structure, the whole expense to be met by the Athletic Association out of its own funds, without any expenditure of University funds, the choice of architect and a l plans and details to be subject to the approval of the l Board, on recommendation of the Supervising Architect who shall also have supervision of construction. APPOINTMENTS M A D E BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Secretary presented for record the following l s of appointments it made by the President of the University: Burrows, S. J., Assistant in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on onefourth time, for seven months beginning November 1, 1928, at a cash compensation at the rate of twenty-eight dollars twelve and one-half cents ($28.12^) a month. (November 19, 1928)1 Crile, Dennis, Associate in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on onefourth time, for nine months beginning November I, 1928, at a cash compensation at the rate of forty dollars ($40) a month. (November 19, 1928) Dahlenburg, L. A., Junior Accountant in the Business Office, for ten months beginning November 1, 1928, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred sixteen dollars ($116) a month (this superseding his previous appointment). (November 14, 1928) Douglass, James, Bookkeeper in the Auditing Division of the Business Office, for ten months beginning November 1, 1928, at a cash compensation at the rate of sixty-five dollars ($65) a month (this superseding his previous appointment). (November 14, 1928) Gasser, John, Assistant in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on onefourth time, for seven months beginning November 1, 1928, at a cash compensation at the rate of twenty-five dollars ($25) a month. (November 19, 1928) Goodman, Catherine, Bookkeeper in the Department of Farm Organization and Management, in the College of Agriculture, for nine months beginning December 1, 1928, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at 'The date in parenthesis i the date on which the appointment was made by the Presis dent of the University.
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